Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Farce? - Freed Palestinian Stowaway Osama R.M.Shublaq on SIA despite Breach of KLIA Security? Why? Brotherhood to the Palestinians?

Malaysiakini earlier has the KLIA SIA Plane Hitch Hiker to S'PORE story as

KLIA plane wheel stowaway charged in S'pore court Oct 13,07 3:51am

But the current burning issue is the Lingam brothers Lingam's brother: I am not mad!

and Malaysiakini.tv On Police raid offices of two Hindraf lawyers
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What message is our country sending to the world in acquitting this stowaway? What would the Singapore authorities feel? A blatant wrong can be can be “one-eye closed” case here and dismissed off as just a student prank? A stowaway acquitted for trespassing? This is selective application of laws?

He would have been charged in Singapore for entering the country illegally without a valid permit. He faces up to six months' jail or a fine of up to S$6,000 (RM14,000).
Here we have a guy who breached the KLIA supposed tight security; went up an SIA flight on the wheel nose bay and hitched a ride to
Singapore. The Malaysian authorities demanded his extradition and after some weeks of investigation freed him.

Must he be a hijacker or suicide bomber that a stowaway can be let off Scott free? Why this sudden leniency towards this stowaway from the AG Office. Is it Muslim brotherhood & solidarity towards the persecuted Palestinians?

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November 20, 2007 18:36 PM

Osama Freed
SEPANG, Nov 20 (Bernama) -- The Magistrate's Court here Tuesday acquitted and discharged Palestinian student Osama R.M.Shublaq of having trespassed into the KL International Airport (KLIA) in October. Magistrate Sharifah Nor Azlita Syed Salim Idid freed him after allowing an application by the prosecution, represented by Deputy Public Prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin, to withdraw the charge against him. Wan Shaharuddin told the court that
Palestine's Embassy in Malaysia had requested that he be placed at the immigration depot in Semenyih pending deportation.

Osama, 28, an engineering student, appeared jubilant when told by the court interpreter in English that he was being freed of the charge. When asked by reporters later why the charge against him was withdrawn, Wan Shaharudin said the decision came from the Attorney-General's Department. On Nov 6, Osama, who made headlines after giving security at the KLIA the slip on Oct 11 and flew to Singapore in the undercarriage compartment of an airliner, had told the court that he would be making a representation to the Attorney-General regarding the case against him.

Singapore's Changi Airport authorities detained him after he fell off on to the tarmac after the hour-long flight and subsequently handed him over to the Malaysian authorities. That he survived the air journey was itself said to be nothing short of a miracle. On Oct 25, he pleaded not guilty with having trespassed the perimeter of KLIA, a restricted area, between 7.30pm and 10.15pm on Oct 11. He was charged under Section 7 of the Prohibited Zones and Places Act 1959, and could have been jailed two years or fined RM1,000 or both, if convicted. Osama was represented by counsel Latheefa Koya and Mohd Razlan Jalaludin from the Legal Aid Centre. Also present in the court today was the embassy's first secretary, Ahmed Metan

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