MORE PICS – WATER DISRUPTION 1/2M People Affected ¼ PJ District; Broken Pipe - J Gasing, J Templer, J Kelang Lama, Pantai Dalam & Bukit Kerinchi
Damaged water pipe affects 500,000 consumers
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ABOVE & BELOW: Working thru the night to replace a length of the ruptured pipe.

ABOVE & BELOW: The mini crater of water formed
Water supplied expected to be restored by
ABOVE: A small crater on one side but BELOW: a much extensive one when the water gushed out at the initial stage.
The massive leakage of the pipe of 1.75 m diameter is believed caused contractual works done by some contractors. SYABAS has taken immediate steps to repair the pipe and water supply is likely to be restored by
According to SYABAS Communication & Public Affairs GM , Abdul Halem Mat Soh (ABOVE) apart from repairing the pipe, efforts have been taken to reduce the water disruption when water is tapped from Bukit Dengkil to boast the supply to the area to reduce the number of people affected. Water pressure in neighboring areas may also be affected.
In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed – the
Some useful tips for those staying on higher ground or Hill Slope in a Water cut
Whenever there is a water disruption, those on higher ground will be immediately affected. And if you kook at your water meter, when water is drawn by people on lower grounds, your meter reading should recede backwards let it run until it stops. Then you MUST close the stop valve, otherwise when supply resumes, air trapped in the big supply pipes will be send to your home and they are charging you for this air when you meter starts registering.
This is one way SMIs, restaurants and etc can reduce their monthly bill if they feel they are being overcharged. Get a blower blast air from the meter outlet to the inlet end after loosening both ends and have the necessary connections. This may be a bit technical for most households but would be a song for the professionals. And this should be done BEFORE the usual meter reading days.
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is that flyover where the roundabout used to be? cos my tires were practically destroyed driving on that patchwork road a few days ago D :<
good thing i don't live there...
Pray it does not affect the structure integrity.
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