MORE PICS & Video – Inflated RM90M Malaysia 1st Cosmonaut 10-Day Hitch for Dr Sheikh Muszaphar - Current Space fare is US21M (RM70.77M)
UPDATE: Go H E R E on the Landing on
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MORE PICS & Video – Inflated RM90M Malaysia 1st Cosmonaut 10-Day Hitch; Dr Sheikh Muszaphar- Current Space fare is US21M (RM70.77M)
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar-
Malaysiakini has the report on the Two double first in the Space flight that carried the 1st Malaysian into Space at an Inflated Space fare of RM90 M(US26.7 M) when the ongoing fare is only US21M (RM70.8M).
Give and take how did the Malaysian angkasawan (cosmonaut) programme ballooned to RM90 Million (figure from Bernama below) when the current Space ticket fare is only RM70.77 Million in Nov 2006? (details BELOW)
There is a difference of almost RM20 Million to account for. Ok there is the extra cost of training two cosmonauts for a full year and the extra for those space experiments & the air fares for the hangers on. Add in a couple of RM Millions, there is still a lot to account for? PAC interested to find out?
And this RM90 million Malaysian angkasawan programme is to offset the agreement between the Malaysian and Russian governments in the purchase of Sukhoi fighter jets costing RM3.4 billion in 2003. So the funds must come from the Ministry of Defence under the charge of our DPM Najib. Another hefty commission for some agent or “someone crossing a stream has wet his feet”?.
The update from wired report AP says the deal (in 2003 for 1 Astronaut to go) was a US25 million agreement for US900 million for 18 Russian Jets. And our Malaysian Government has indicated the jets were valued at RM3.4 billion. Basing on US9000 million equals RM3.4 billion, an exchange rate of 3.77777 is arrived at which is closer to the fixed rate of 3.8 in the year 2003. And if the space ride deal is US25 million, then angkasawan programme should be RM94.44 million. The current rate is only 3.37.
ABOVE: the last wave from the 3 cosmonauts before entering the spacecraft
ABOVE: Before Blast-off and BELOW: Moments after Blast-off
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ABOVE & BELOW: Malaysian hitch-hiker Cosmonaut Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha in the cram space of the spacecraft. They allow him to take along a portable lab (how many grams?) to carry out some tests in his free time. As a Muslim he wants to take the credit for being the first Muslim astronaut to observe the Ramadan fast (but AP report below says he is excused??) and also celebrate Aidilfitri. And he has said at 333km above earth, he wants to be closer to God.
from a comment in a blog: “..multiple records breaker. He is the first Muslim, Malaysian, Malay to Solat, fast and celebrate Raya in space”
= = = == = =BELOW: The ejected rocket falling into the sea?
= == = == = = =UPDATE from AP
Malaysian Astronaut Set to Go Into Space
BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan — A crew that includes Malaysia's first astronaut and an American who will become the first woman to command the international space station prepared Monday for blastoff later this week. The Soyuz-FG rocket is scheduled to blast off from the Central Asian steppe on Wednesday night to take
The rocket — adorned with a Malaysian flag and coat of arms and carrying a Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft — was moved Monday to the launch pad from its assembly site at the Baikonur cosmodrome, which
Shukor's religion also requires that he face
First Malaysian Goes Into Space, Nation Sets History
BAIKONUR (Kazakhstan), Oct 10 (Bernama) -- Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha blasted off from here today in a Soyuz spacecraft to become the first Malaysian to go into space in a launch seen as a milestone in propelling Malaysia into a new and exciting chapter in its history.The 35-year-old "angkasawan" (astronaut in Malay), an orthopaedic surgeon from Seremban who has American Peggy Whitson and Russian Yuri Malenchenko for company, lifted off at 7.21 pm (9.21 pm Malaysian time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in a Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft bearing the flags of Malaysia, Russia and the United States. The launch of the spacecraft, which is headed for a docking with the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) 333km above the earth, was followed live by millions of Malaysians back home who were glued to their television sets or giant screens placed at strategic locations in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi watched the historic lift-off live on one of the several huge screens set up at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), along with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha and 280 schoolchildren. A breaking-of-the-fast was held earlier at the venue.
The launch was observed here by Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis as well as the parents of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor -- Datuk Sheikh Mustapha Sheikh Shukor and Datin Zuraida Datuk Sheikh Ahmad. Coming on the 28th day of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, the launch holds a special significance for Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. He does not have to fast in space but has said that he may want to observe the regime, if possible. He will then take credit for being the first Muslim astronaut to observe the Ramadan fast and also celebrate Aidilfitri, which is likely to fall on Oct 13, in space. For this "angkasawan" and all other Malaysians, the launch could not have come at a more opportune moment -- when the nation is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its independence.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor's space venture has been made possible by
The Russian space agency, Roskosmos, has agreed that Dr Faiz participate in the 2008/2009 space mission and has allowed him to continue training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre. The Angkasawan Programme is seen as a giant step for
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Will Blast Off For ISS Tomorrow
FIRST ASTRONAUT… Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Sheikh Mustapha, 34, will be the first Malaysian astronaut to blast off to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome,
From Abdul Rahman Ahmad
Dr Jamaludin also thanked the Russians for having assisted Malaysian scientists in making preparations for the research work to be conducted by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar during his space sojourn. He said Dr Sheikh Muszaphar and Dr Faiz also addressed the selection panel in Russian. The programme to send a Malaysian to space was conceived in 2003 when
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Malaysian Scientists Confident Of Space
From Abdul Rahman Ahmad
The items were reported missing when the scientists arrived at the airport here. "We were assisted by Russian scientists in getting hold of new specimens and back-up tools," he told reporters today. Besides Dr Rahman, other research team members are Prof Dr Ramelah Mohamed and Prof Dr Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman. On the research schedule at the ISS, Dr Rahman said: "As soon as the angkasawan lands on the ISS three days after the take off, Dr Muszaphar will move all the research equipment to a place or incubator and start the first research on protein. "The rest, on cancer cells and bacteria, will start the following day," he said. Research is one of the most important components in the National Angkasawan Programme because it will determine how far the programme is to be considered successful.
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Soyuz TMA 11 Ready For Blast Off
From Abdul Rahman Ahmad
The Malaysian media covering the launch of the space mission was today given the privilege for a closer view of the rocket at its launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, one of
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ABOVE: The BIG disappointment at Dataran Merdeka - the Big screen was a blank - they called it a "technical hitch" and BELOW: the TV3 crew came to the rescue with their portable monitoring screen
Giant Screen At Dataran Merdeka To Broadcast Angkasawan Launch
ABOVE & BELOW: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who mooted the idea was watching in IJN on a BIG LCD Screen in the Buga Raya ward, where he took up the entire wing with closed relatives around.
= == = BACKGROUND for Space Travel Tourists
Price Of Space Tourist Flight To ISS Raised By One Million Dollars
by Staff Writers;

Anousheh Ansari, 40 (ABOVE), a U.S. citizen of Iranian origin and a telecommunications businesswoman, became the first female space tourist this year. Charles Simonyi, 58, a
= == = == and an account of what happened to Dennis Tito (the first space tourist - an American businessman and former NASA scientist) during his trip which would be very similar to the one taken by the current Malaysian. Will he have to the menial tasks of serving meals?
First space tourist returns to Earth
Web posted at:
The pilots softened the fall with onboard rockets and a parachute. Just over three hours earlier, the Russian Soyuz capsule had undocked from the international space station and embarked on its lightning voyage back to Earth. The return trip by the 60-year-old multimillionaire who reportedly paid the Russian space agency $20 million was the final part of a fantastic space voyage. But Tito returns to a growing row over whether tourists should be allowed to venture into space. In a final video linkup from space, Tito said: "Personally, I've had the time of my life. I've achieved my dream and nothing could have been better. I thank everybody that supported my mission."
As they left the space station, Musabayev and American astronaut Jim Voss hugged, and Voss shook Tito's hand. Tito and the cosmonauts then floated head-first into the Soyuz, their stockinged feet disappearing from view before the hatch connecting the capsule with the station was closed. Inside the capsule, they switched on the power supply - the capsule had been drawing power from the space station -- and powered up the capsule's navigation computer. They donned bulky spacesuits for the flight back to Earth and ensured the Soyuz was airtight before it undocking from the station. A video attached to the capsule showed the space station quickly receding in the distance and the Earth coming into view. The capsule orbited Earth once, and then scuttled most of its weight including the habitation module, with toilet and kitchen, and the instrument module, with its batteries and solar wings. That left only the 3.3-ton landing capsule.
The Soyuz craft's main parachute is scheduled to begin unfurling at 0526 GMT before retro-rockets fire to cushion its final descent. In the last communications session with the crew, Mission Control in Korolyov, outside
After landing some 80 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of the tiny
Russian space officials were hoping for an incident-free landing to sign off the controversial trip by Tito. Former
NASA misgivings
Despite misgivings from NASA that Tito should have waited to take his joyride until more construction was completed on the multi-billion dollar complex, the trip ignited speculation that others among the jet-set would set their sights higher than the atmosphere. Names that have surfaced include filmmaker James Cameron, an Oscar-winner looking for the perfect camera angle to capture planet Earth. While praising Cameron for waiting for NASA's blessing to ride to the station, NASA chief Dan Goldin constantly took swipes at Tito before reporters and congress, referring to the gigantic ego and space unworthiness of the Wall Street investor. "The current situation has put an incredible stress on the men and women of NASA," Goldin told a House subcommittee on Wednesday. "Mr. Tito does not realize the effort of thousands of people,
Floating upward more than 200 miles, such protests hardly penetrated the thick hull of the floating complex, where Tito, a former NASA rocket scientist, enjoyed the congenial support of his Soyuz comrades, the courteous hospitality of two NASA astronauts living on Alpha and a warm embrace when he met the station's Russian commander.
Filled with the sounds of arias and overtures and the sights of passing continents and oceans, the serene world of citizen explorer Tito was interrupted only by an early bout of space nausea. And the occasional press conference, when he dismissed Goldin's assertion that his presence threatened the safety of the space pros. Rather, Tito, who paid up to $20 million for the roundtrip vacation, was actually pitching in to help.
'Menial tasks'
"I've been shelling out food and doing rather menial tasks to assist the crew and give them more time for their other work," Tito said. Safety was the reason Tito, 60, could make the trip in the first place. He tagged along with Russians Talgat Musabayev and Yuri Baturin, who delivered a fresh Soyuz escape capsule to Alpha last Monday.
A new Soyuz is needed every six months because toxic fuels aboard the Russian ships degrade and possibly corrode engine parts over time. The old vessel had about two weeks left on its 200-day warranty. NASA, the leading partner among 16 nations piecing Alpha together, took umbrage because
But the cash-strapped Russian space program, which controls the passenger list on the essential Soyuz mission, could continue its experiment in high-flying capitalism, especially considering the ticket price covers the cost of the entire flight. Many will likely be ready to pay. "Before I flew to space, I had no idea how comfortable it would be," Tito said. "I think if a lot of people know what I know now there would be a huge demand."
Perennial cash shortages, which prompted the Russians to start their space tourism business, have dogged
= = == = additional notes on
The SPACE & Worlds we exists in
Our idea of space is some completely erroneous conception of an emptiness to be filled... True inner space is to the contrary vital energy, itself alive, possessing abilities or transformation, forming all existences, even the camouflage reality with which you are familiar, and which you attempt to probe so ineffectively. This basic universe expands constantly in terms of intensity, quality and value, in a way that has nothing to do with your idea of space. The basic universe beneath all camouflage does not have existence in space at all, as you envision it... Space is a camouflage... a deep deception for all and an illusion.
You do not acquire a 'spirit' at death. You are one, now! You adopt a body (to experience earth life) just as a scuba diver wears a scuba diving suit (to survive undersea) and for much the same reason a space traveler wears a space suit (to survive in “space”)
Your spirit joined itself with flesh, and in flesh, to experience a world of incredible richness. Your spirit was born in flesh to enrich a marvelous area of sense awareness, to feel energy made into corporeal form. You look at the world around you and are amazed at its richness and variety. Do you think that the inner world (spiritual) is not as rich, even richer, and more valid? Do you think there is but one kind of consciousness?
Your world is formed out of the vast unpredictability of consciousness. From it you form your own ideas of significance and of yourself... You must stop thinking in terms of ordinary progression. It is bad enough when you worry about keeping up with the Joneses. It is something else, however, when you start worrying about which kind of self [or consciousness] is superior to another kind
Also be aware of the unknown reality. Man thought once, historically speaking, that there was but ONE world. Now he knows differently, but he still clings to the idea of one god, one self, and one body through which to express it.
There is ONE God, but within that God are many. There is ONE self, but within that self are many. There is ONE body, in one time, but the self has other bodies in other times. And all 'times' exist at once, i.e. simultaneously.
Our concepts of personhood are now limiting us personally and en masse, and yet our religions, metaphysics, histories, and even our sciences are hinged upon your ideas of who and what you are. Your psychologies do not explain your own reality to you. They cannot contain your experience. Your religions do not explain your greater reality, and your sciences leave you just as ignorant about the nature of the universe in which you dwell.
These institutions and disciplines are composed of individuals, each restrained by limiting ideas about their OWN private reality; and so it is with private reality that we will begin and always return, period
Linear thinking dominates our Western world. What we cannot see, smell, hear, taste, feel, or measure seems amorphous, unreal. The limitations of life perceived this way offer a safety net. With it comes assurance that we know what we are about.
But we have in all of us a travel partner—a hitchhiker in the form of the self that does not focus solely on the manifest. Sometimes this hitchhiker sneaks through our back doors and sharply steers a new direction for our life. Then we can discover the vistas of the unknown reality in this way.
As you think of it, your future is not set. You can follow any road you choose, but--until you realize that as individuals you each form your own personal life, and have a part in the mass creation of reality--there is much learning ahead for you. This is a lesson you are meant to fully understand within physical reality.
You are meant to judge physical reality. You are meant to realize that it is a materialization of your thoughts and feelings and images, that the inner self forms that world. In your terms, you cannot be allowed to go into other dimensions until you have learned the great power of your thoughts and subjective feelings. So even when you think you destroy, you destroy nothing. And when you think you kill, you kill nothing. When you imagine that you can annihilate a reality, you can only assault it as you know it. The reality itself will continue to exist
= == = Watch Video Clip - Inflated Space Launch RM90M
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Cops make public CCTV footage of suspected killers
Charles Ramendran; theSUN
KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 11, 2007): Police have made public the close-circuit TV footage captured at the scene where the naked body of eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin was found stuffed in a sports bag in Petaling Utama, off Old Klang Road, on Sept 17. They hope the public can help identify the characters in the footage who may be able to help track down the killer/s. The footage, retrieved from an automobile workshop next to a stairway where Nurin's body was found, was too blur and grainy. Police then sought help from the
The first segment , lasting about two minutes and captured at about 1pm on Sept 16, features a man arriving on a Modenas Kriss motorcycle carrying a blue and black Diadora bag placed in front of him.
He gets off his machine outside the stairway, takes off his helmet before making a call on his handphone. While engrossed in a conversation which lasted about a minute, the man is also seen walking around his motorcycle.
He then hangs up his phone and puts on his helmet. He picks up the sports bag which appeared to be heavy. He steps into the shophouse verandah which was out of the CCTV's range then reappears again before leaving on his motorcycle.
In the second segment captured on the same day at
A man steps out of the front passenger seat and is seen talking on his phone. Minutes later, another man steps out of the backseat of the car and sits in the front passenger seat. The red bloused woman then steps into the backseat with the first passenger who came out of the car. It is believed that the car was driven by a third man. Wan said a photofit of a woman released to the media by police last week was that of the woman who is captured on the CCTV. He said the photofit of a man which was given to the press at the same time was that of a man who had gone to Bangsar in search of a room to rent for himself and his daughter. "Several cars were seen passing the area in the video, including a taxi. I hope they can help us in this probe," he said. On photographs of Nurin's post mortem circulated on the the internet, Wan said full scale investigations are in progress. "Investigators have interviewed several policeman," he said, reminding those who received such visuals to refrain from forwarding the photographs. "Please do not do circulate them. Have some respect for the victim and family," said Wan.
= == = == = Watch the Video Clip (1.17 min) - CCTV Footages of Nurin Jazlin Killers
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The space tourist says he "Wants to be closer to God" what rubbish is this.
Closer to hell more like it!!!!
His space vacation is not even 'halal' the trip has been deviously funded from taxpayers money and there have, it seems, been millions of Ringgit syphoned off into the private bank accounts of some big time crooks.
This seems to be the Malaysian way, lie, cheat, deceive, rob, and line ones own pockets. What a cesspit we live in.
What's the difference of praying by using a stolen cap(songkok curi)? Does Fiqh deemed the prayer as not valid?
"He spent his time reading the Quran and conducting sembahyang hajat, and calling his family and loved one." What? Reading Quran and not fasting at the sametime, reading and eating. Thumbs up!
Behold the thieving ways of 'Islam Hadhari' and you have Mr.Clean and his sidekick to curse for it!
I have wriiten at length denouncing the needless wastage of such precious taxpayers money in my blog.
If the people of Malaysia do not wake up and take charge of the current spending spree by the crooks in the BN government of Abdullah Bedalwi, then all Malaysians ought to kick themselves to death and suffer like hell for all eternity!
When are Malaysians gonna come to their goddamned senses if they even have one to speak of in the first place after watching all this bullshit taking place under the Bloody Nuts?
That idiot needs to be slapped for stating that he needs to be closer to God!
6 foot under would be better for the likes of him and his thieving sponsors!
Yes Mahaguru, agree with you ; spent so much money to produce a "Bolehnut" is a waste of financial resources.
While the poors in the country are barely surviving , we really should put the 'travel fare ' to a much better use, like aiding the destitute, building infrastructure in rural areas, more hospitals, schools, welfare for the lower income groups...........
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