Wednesday, October 03, 2007

MORE PICS – Protest at Lingam Clip Panel 1st Meet – Stop the Meet; No to Independent Panel; Haidar & Shankar: Let us finish our Job –Clip Authenticity

MORE PICSProtest at Lingam Clip Panel 1st Meet – Stop the Meet; No to Independent Panel; Haidar & Shankar: Let us finish our Job –Clip Authenticity
Two Panel members speaking to the Press

ABOVE: Panel Chairman Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor: "We go step by step first; You See our terms of reference is only to verify the authenticity of the Video Clip, that's all;... we leave it to the Government to decide on what action to take" BELOW: Datuk Mahadev Shankar: "Don't throw stones at us until we have finish the inquiry. I respect freedom of speech; you can say what you want; But if you want us to do the work well as an independent panel, let us finish our work as best as we can"

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ABOVE: The 3-member Panel before the start of the Meeting and BELOW: The IGP was one of the witness summoned. And Lingam? Still in hiding

Malaysiakini Breaking news today is on

with an updated Video


Lingam tape: Protest at panel's first meeting Oct 3, 07 11:41am and

ACA to quiz Anwar
Andrew Ong | Oct 3, 07 3:14pm

ABOVE: PKR Supreme Council Member Latifah Koya leading the pack of Protesters (BELOW) to hand in the Memo to the Panel

The PKR led protest highlights 3 points:

1. An offense was committed

2. Wrong focus - on the authenticity of tape and whistle blower

3. Calling only the ACA & Police & Govet agencies to help in determining the authenticity

The tainted backgrounds were also highlighted with the Tan Sri Haidar role in closing the Court doors and hiding the court seal to prevent a meeting- during the 1988 Judiciary crisis. And Lee Lam Thye numerous directorship of companies including Prima Media (UMNO Controlled) and the woes in NSC which have not been prperly investigated. More details in Malaysiakini

ABOVE & BELOW: The Protesters went all the way up to the meeting room in Suhakam Offices, Jln Raja Laut

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ABOVE & BELOW: The protesters numbered less than 30 were a mixed lot with the PKR youths stealing the show with their banners, placards and headgears displaying the message "Stop Meeting"

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ABOVE: When they say "No to an independent panel" what they want is BELOW: "A royal commission"

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ABOVE: The forehead displayed protest stickers by PKR youths and BELOW: The message for Tan Sri Haidar

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ABOVE: A close-up view of the "Stop Meeting" forehead Sticker

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ABOVE & BELOW: More members "pushing" open the glass door to show their presence.

= == = == == = == = =BELOW: The Tan Sri came out to see what the fuss is all about

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Probe panel: Come forward for the sake of M'sia
Llew-Ann Phang and Terence Fernandez, theSUN

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 3, 2007): The panel investigating the authenticity of a video clip showing a senior lawyer purportedly discussing the appointment of top judges over the telephone today asked the person who recorded it to come forward "for the sake of Malaysia". "Somebody out there (has) the original video. Does he have the responsibility (to come forward)? There may have been others who were there (during the incident). Have they got the responsibility? "If you don’t come, don’t complain, because at the end of the day, our report is based on the material made available to us," said panel member Datuk Mahadev Shankar.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) revealed the eight-minute-long video clip on Sept 19, withholding about six minutes at the end of the video to protect the identity of the person who took it. Several other people were also in the video, said to be taken in 2002 at the home of the senior lawyer, believed to be Datuk V.K. Lingam. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak had announced the setting-up of the independent three-man panel (headed by fomer Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor. The other member is National Service Council chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye) on Sept 25. It has 30 days from Sept 27 to complete its assignment and report to the government. Mahadev, a former Court of Appeal judge, urged "anyone with knowledge on the authenticity of the video to come forward to provide evidence" through its secretariat – the Putrajaya-based Prime Minister’s Department Legal Division.

"Make sure that the evidence is reliable, relevant and we will have to decide on its admissibility." He said witnesses should provide their names, IC number and how they can be contacted should the panel need more information. Evidence submitted would be weighed against the standards set by the Evidence Act 1950 and sources would be called if the panel was interested. The panel met for the first time today in the Malaysian Human Rights Commission’s (Suhakam) Menara Tun Razak premises on Jalan Raja Laut. The meeting lasted four hours.
Attorney-General (A-G) Tan Sri Gani Patail, Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) director-general Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan and his deputy Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed each spent between 10 and 30 minutes with the panel. Haidar, whose appointment has been questioned by certain groups because of the role he played during the judicial crisis of 1988 when then Lord President Tun Salleh Abas was sacked, said the panel discussed its next steps and procedures. The meeting with the four top lawmen was to see how the agencies could extend their cooperation.

"We hope to meet them in two weeks or when they are ready to give us more (information)," Haidar said. Mahadev said the panel had no legal powers or legal immunity as it was not a Commission of Inquiry but its only authority were the terms of reference - compile a report and send it to the appointing body. "The only immunity we have is our conscience, our good faith and the honesty of our purpose," he said.
On protection for voluntary witnesses, Mahadev said: "The truth is the best protection. People who have got that knowledge will have to be bold enough to come (forward) if not for anything, for the sake of
Mahadev also made an observation of "harmful information" on Haidar and Lee circulating on the internet. "We have no vested interest here. All we want to do is finish our job as quickly as possible and go home," he said.
To questions on PKR's claims of conflicts of interest - Haidar on his role in the 1988 judicial crisis and Lee on his public and private positions, namely the NS Council chairperson which had its own scandals involving the death of its trainees, and his position as a Media Prima Sdn Bhd director – Haidar said he could not stop people from questioning the panel members’ ability. "Our conscience is clear. Anybody can make allegations," he said, adding that he "did not want to enter into arguments" when asked on his role in the Salleh's sacking.

Earlier, 20 PKR members and concerned citizens gathered at the Suhakam office to present a memorandum on their lack of confidence in the panel and its limited terms of reference, and to call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry. However, they could not do so as Haidar did not want to interrupt the meeting to meet the group. It is learnt Lingam, who the ACA had been trying to contact to help in its investigation, is expected to be called up by the panel. Sources said Lingam returned from abroad several days ago. Investigators contacted him in London and he told the Malaysian authorities that he will cooperate. Officials from the A-G's Chambers and the ACA have declined to comment.

= = == = =PREVIEW of Next Post

MORE PICS & VideoDay 44 Altantuya Murder Trial; Dr Primulapathi Chief Chemist Displayed Samples of Altantuya Hair, Blood, bone fragments, slippers etc

Samples for DNA testing produced
R. Surenthira Kumar; theSUN

ABOVE & BELOW: The accused arriving in court on Day 44 Trial

SHAH ALAM (Oct 3, 2007): Samples of blood, skin tissue, bone pieces, saliva and hair, sent for DNA testing, were produced in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial here today.

Accredited chemist and director of the Chemist Department’s forensic division J. Primulapathi (ABOVE), 54, said the specimens were sent to him by the police on Nov 11. Testifying on the 44th day of the trial, Primulapathi began the task of going through each of the 18 envelopes containing the samples. Deputy Public Prosecutor Noorin Badaruddin told judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin the whole procedure of opening the envelopes containing the samples is expected to take about three days as there were several sets of specimens (BELOW) sent to the Chemist Department on different dates.

Primulapathi said the test tubes and small bottles contained:

* blood specimen of Altantuya father, Setev Shaariibuu.
* blood specimen of Altantuya mother,
S. Altansetseg.
* Saliva samples of Altansetseg.
* Eight dark brownish-black tissue samples.
* Five samples of tufts of hair.
* Dark brownish-black skeletal remain.
* Dark-brownish black piece of bone

Asked by Noorin if he had received a second batch of samples from the investigating officer, ASP Tony Lunggan, on Nov 15, Primulapathi said another 11 samples were sent to him. At this point, Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar’s lawyer, Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, raised an objection to the contents in a police form submitted by Tony requesting for DNA tests to be conducted on the samples.

He said the contents could be prejudicial and applied for them to be excluded.
Mohd Zaki said he had yet to come across decisions of cases in the past which have depended on the contents of such forms, hinting that it was not a pertinent issue to be raised.
Kamarul Hisham said he only raised the matter for it to be put on record.

The court then recessed for lunch.
When the hearing resumed in the afternoon, Primulapathi continued to identify the blood specimens, tissue, hair and other items sent by the police to the department on Nov 15. Among the items which he confirmed receiving were a black leather steering wheel cover and a Smart Tag device with a Touch 'n Go card in it. Also among the 11 items sent in by the police on Nov 15 last year was a Sept 14, 2006, edition of Utusan Malaysia, a tabloid sized newspaper titled Yellow Post and a Harian Metro newspaper dated Friday Oct 13, 2006. One of the packages identified by Primulapathi also contained a pair of white slippers with blue soles; however no mention was made of who the slippers belonged to. This item was sealed in three envelopes. A strand of hair which the department received was labelled as "a strand of hair between the front passenger seat" but which vehicle it was found in, and to whom the strand of hair belonged to was not revealed.

Primulapathi also confirmed receiving four paper packages in separate envelopes containing tubes of blood specimen from the three accused C/Insp Azilah Hadri, Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar and Abdul Razak Abdullah.
He also identified an envelope containing blood specimen belonging to L/Cpl Rohaniza Roslan who was Azilah’s close friend and one of the witnesses in the trial.
Primulapathi will be identifying another set of forensic evidence submitted to the department when the trial continues tomorrow.

BELOW: K K Wong (Left), lawyer for Abdul Razak with his assistant

= = == == == = == == = == ==Some off beat news

October 03, 2007 23:41 PM
Wedding Bells For Michelle Yeoh Soon

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 (Bernama) -- Malaysian international silver screen darling Datuk Michelle Yeoh tonight hinted that she might be walking down the aisle with fiancee Ferrari chief executive officer Datuk Seri Jean Todt soon. "Soon. Very soon. Ya. You all will be the first to know," she said beaming, when asked by reporters on her rumoured upcoming marriage to Todt, 61.Yeoh, 45, was here to receive the prestigious French Legion of Honour award, which was conferred to her by Ambassador of France to Malaysia Alain du Boispean here, for her outstanding career in the film industry as well as her philantropic work globally and her campaign for a breast cancer awareness project. Earlier in her speech, she had called Todt as "my love who is my daily strength who brings up the best in me", and credited him for introducing all things French to her. His presence in the past years had been one of the pillars of my happiness, she said.

The couple was engaged in September 2005. Yeoh, who enjoys an illustrated acting career worldwide, is known among others for her role in the James Bond movie `Tomorrow Never Dies' (1997), `Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' (2000) and `Memoirs of a Geisha' (2005) and her variety of roles from the famous kungfu master and astronaut to sorceress and nun. When asked if there was any role that she liked to explore and whether a Formula 1 racer was one of them, she quipped "No. Maybe I can play the girl friend. I am such a hopeless driver". "Generally I have been very lucky in the sense that the roles have come calling and they had been a great variety. I am very blessed and am not going to complain about it," she said. Apart from movies, Yeoh said she also hoped to film a few documentaries on environments next year, where one of the location would be in Malaysia.


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