Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Reprieve for Malacca Pigs – No more Mass Killing? Cabinet 2 solutions - allow pig farmers change land tenure or assure banks not to recall temp leases

Reprieve for Malacca Pigs – No more Mass Killing?Cabinet 2 solutions - allow pig farmers - change land tenure or assure banks not to recall original temporary leases

Malaysiakini VideoClip on Huge support (see pics) for pig farmers as deadline nears – now includes a BIG support from Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak who has instructed the Meleka government not to carry out large-scale pig destruction operations to avoid misunderstanding of outsiders..

This must be in view of the looming GE, the BN at last has come to its senses for the survival of MCA and the marginal BN seats. If this issue drags on, MCA can close shop in Malacca.

And Najib said he had discussed the issue with MCA president Ong Ka Ting and MCA leaves the problem to MCA Melaka State Assemblymen. This is a way out of the tight situation as Sep 21 07 deadline is only a few days ahead. See the exclusive interview below.

= == = == =
Exclusive Interview With Malaysian DPM
No More Mass Killing of Pigs; Updated:2007-09-18 18:22:48 MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak said the cabinet has instructed the Melaka State Government to find practical solutions to the pig farm crisis. The cabinet has also proposed two solutions. The first is that the Melaka state government is to allow pig farmers to change their land tenure. Secondly, the state government will assure banks that it will not be recalling the original temporary leases of the pig farms. This is to ensure that banks approve the farmers' loan, so that the farmers could enhance facilities to fulfil environment protection standards. During his interview with Sin Chew Daily, Najib said the government agrees to make an appropriation from the 3F Fund for Food. This is to help pig farmers to carry out modern pig farming. It is now up to the Melaka state government to choose which solution it prefers. He urged the people not to see the Melaka pig farm issue as a racial issue, but a serious environment pollution issue. As similar issue can be rapidly turn into racial issue, the authorities should carefully, quickly and pragmatically resolve the problem.

Responding to the concern of the pig farmers of the move to reduce the amount of pigs from 150 000 to 48000 within the period of 10 days (from 15 Sept to 21 Sept) given by the Meleka state government, Najib said: “I've instructed the Meleka government not to carry out large-scale pig destruction operations to avoid misunderstanding of outsiders who may think the government is coercing pig farmers with tough measures. We will look for a proper solution.” When being asked about the refusal of the state government to allocate lands in working out the collective pig breeding area policy drawn up by the Federal government, Najib said the cabinet has seriously discussed the matter. The state government must agree to change the usage of land or they would have to promise not to recall the temporary lease, including the extension of the lease.

If a pig farmer is holding a temporary lease, and the Melaka state government agrees to allow the farmer to continue pig breeding on that piece of land, there would be no allocation of governmental land. However, if the state government does not promise not to recall the temporary lease, banks would not approve loans for the farmer and the farmer would not have capital to build a pig farm that fulfils the environment protection standard.” He added that this is only an agreement between the Melaka state and the Federal government. It will have to discuss with other state governments separately.

Unless the state governments agree to allow pig farms at their current locations, they may have (to follow) the principle set out by the Cabinet. Asked about the advice he gave to Melaka Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam regarding the pig farm issue, Najib said: “I wouldn't reveal the conversation between us. This is a matter between us. I wouldn't advise him through the media. We very well discuss on the problem of reducing the amount of pigs before 21 Sept, including whether to extend the deadline.” Najib also said he had discussed the issue with MCA president Ong Ka Ting and MCA leaves the problem to MCA Melaka State Assemblymen. (Sin Chew Daily)

= = == = == = = = Exclusive Interview With Malaysian DPM

Government Promises To Care For Those Lacking Behind

Updated:2007-09-18 18:31:01 MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA: Najib said although a lot of Chinese have become middle class, the government still promises to assist those in less developed new villages. The government will also provide more scholarships and loans for poor students with good academic performances. He praised the hard work of Malaysian Chinese who do well in business and having stronger enterprise capability than other races. It is not

surprisingly to find that most of the 100 richest people in Malaysia are Chinese.

Speaking on the achievement of the nation's three major ethnic groups, Najib indicated that the new economic policy has resulted a considerable amount of middle class Malays and even though the status of the aborigines have improved tremendously, they are still behind the others.

He said that Malays had been marginalised during the colonial period and they couldn't escape from low income, poverty, and holding less equity in various fields for a long period of time. On the development of Indians, he said it seems to be slower than the

Malays and Chinese, but the Indian community also has a lot of talented people and the average income of Indian professionals like doctors and lawyers is higher than other races. "Despite the many achievements of Indians, the government won't neglect those in the estates. The government is always concerned about them. We understand that there are a lot of problems faced by the Indian community that require immediate resolutions.

He emphasised that all races have made brilliant achievements in various fields in 50 years. Malaysians should keep this effort up to achieve more. He said Malaysia has achieved unbelievable success and the more appropriate description is "transformation". It is not confined to national hardware development, but it is also refers to the increase

of the average income, standard of education, information and communication technology. And it is also refers to the success of reducing the poverty rate and the increase of business opportunity. "Nobody can deny Malaysia has made brilliant achievements in this coalition era under the leadership of National Front. Many people envy the success of Malaysia. It reflects our achievements as National Front leads us to have huge, broad and comprehensive transformation in different fields. (Sin Chew Daily)


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