Friday, January 18, 2008

More Pics - Eusoff Chin Unrepresented Told - Get Lawyer; Evasive with Denials; Confusing – Met Lingam First at Changi Airport or NZ Zoo to tag along?

ABOVE: For Mahathir on Day 5 at the Jalan Duta Courts

Former Ch Tun Eusoff Chin was a confused man on Day 5 of the RCI. He came unrepresented and was subjected to a barrage of questions until the commissioners advised him to get a lawyer. He seems to contradict himself about Lingam tagging along. He said it was first in Changi airport (see NST Below) but in the interview report by Rais Yatim (7 years ago) they met at the NZ Zoo.

His lapse in memory is also astounding. Knowing someone for so long, he claimed he cannot recognize Lingam in the Video Clip but “sounds like him” only.

And the truth will come when Lingam's bother will testify of the “closeness” between Lingam & Eusoff Chin

= == = DAY 5 of the Royal C I


Lingam "tagged along" with me to New Zealand: Ex-Chief Justice

ABOVE & BELOW: Former CJ Tun Eusoff Chin a confused and evasive man on Day 5 of the R C I. Came unrepresented and told to get a lawyer; contradicts himself under a barrage of questioning from the Bar representative & other counsel

By : Anis Ibrahim; NST; KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18:

Former chief justice Tun Eusoff Chin claimed lawyer Datuk V. K. Lingam “tagged along with me” from Singapore to New Zealand and back while the judge was on holiday in 1994. Giving evidence before the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam video clip, Eusoff said he had “accidentally bumped into” Lingam at Singapore’s Changi Airport. “I went on holiday with my wife and two children in December 1994 and at the airport, I bumped into him,” he said yesterday. “He asked me where I was going and he said he wanted to tag along. I cannot help it if people want to follow me, I cannot control that.” Counsel for the Malaysian Bar Ranjit Singh had earlier tendered a newspaper clipping of The Sun dated June 7, 2000 on a photograph which had been circulating then on the internet. The photograph showed Eusoff, Lingam and their respective wives together in New Zealand. “Based on your travel itinerary, you spent three to four days in Auckland. Did V.K. Lingam tag along the whole time you were in Auckland?” Ranjit asked. “Yes,” Eusoff replied.

Former top judge grilled on overseas trip with Lingam

R. Surenthira Kumar; theSUN

ABOVE & BELOW: The two families caught Holidaying together in NZ - 1994

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 18, 2008): Former Chief Justice Tun Mohamed Eusoff Chin opted to seek legal representation after he was grilled on his relationship with lawyer Datuk V.K. Lingam at the Royal Commission of Inquiry hearing here today. The 73-year-old former head of the judiciary decided to engage a lawyer on the recommendation of the Commission after he faced a barrage of questions from Malaysian Bar representative Ranjit Singh, mainly over Mohamed Eusoff’s trip to New Zealand in December 1994 and Lingam and his family’s presence there at the same time and location. Inquiry officer, Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Nordin Hassan, broke Ranjit’s line of questioning, saying: "Should we go this far to show the closeness of the witness with the alleged person in the video-clip?" Nordin said the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) had investigated the matter. "The investigations have been closed," he told Commission chairman Tan Sri Haidar Mohamed Noor who enquired the outcome of the probe.

ABOVE: Lingam & Family Holidaying with Vincent & wife

He said the Commission had to stick to its terms of reference and not be led into launching probes into other issues. Commission member Datuk Mahadev Shankar then referred Nordin to the terms of reference, saying the Commission was adhering to it, on the part of whether there was any misbehaviour on the part of the persons mentioned in the video-clip. He added the terms also included ascertaining the truth or otherwise of the content of the conversation in the clip.

Lawyer M. Puravalen, who represents former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, also raised the issue of the Commission’s terms of reference and that it should not step out of its boundaries. Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, another member of the Commission, asked Mohamed Eusoff if he wanted to say something regarding the matter. "I trust the wisdom of the Commission. I thought the five wise people would know what is admissible and what is not," said Mohamed Eusoff. Mahadev Shankar asked if Mohamed Eusoff’s stand is that the questions posed by the Malaysian Bar should not be allowed to be put to him.

"Is your credibility not relevant? Shouldn’t they (the questions) be allowed to be put forward, to question the veracity of your evidence? Can you take the stand that you are not obliged to answer these questions?" said Mahadev Shankar. Haidar then asked if Mohamed Eusoff would be able to engage a lawyer by Monday, but he said he might not have enough time as it was the weekend.

= == = = = == = =A more d detailed Q & A from the STAR

Saturday January 19, 2008; STAR

I always entertain such requests, says former Chief Justice

KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Eusoff Chin said it was normal for lawyers to want to be photographed with him when he was the Chief Justice. He said he always entertained such requests by senior lawyers as well as students whom he met on his overseas trips. According to a 2000 news article tendered yesterday, the former Chief Justice had also reportedly said: “When the man puts his hand on your shoulder, you can't simply shove it aside.” At the start of his testimony, Eusoff, 73, told the court interpreter that he was a “pensioner.”

DPP Datuk Nordin Hassan: Tun, you were the Chief Justice of Malaysia from September 1994 to December 2000?
Eusoff: Correct.

Nordin: Do you know a lawyer by the name of Datuk V.K. Lingam?
Eusoff: I know him.

Nordin: Since when?
Eusoff: Exactly when I don't know. Around 1990.

Nordin: Please explain how you got to know him.
Eusoff: At that time, I was a judge in
Kuala Lumpur. He handled a case in my court.

Nordin: Would you say you were close friends?
Eusoff: We were ordinary acquaintances. It's a matter of degree.

Nordin: What about Tan Sri Vincent Tan?
Eusoff: I don't know him, although I have met him at gatherings, Hari Raya, ordinary functions. Somebody introduced lah, this is Vincent Tan.

Nordin: Have you seen a video clip that featured a person said to be a lawyer brokering the appointment of judges?
Eusoff: Yes, the ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency) showed me.

Nordin: Can you identify the man in the video clip?
Eusoff: At that time, no. It was not very clear.

The 14-minute video clip was then shown in open court for the fourth time since the hearing started on Monday.

Nordin: Can you identify the Indian man having the phone conversation?
Eusoff: I can't. It's not clear.

Nordin: What about the way he spoke and his voice?
Eusoff: Sounds like Datuk Lingam.

Nordin then read a portion of the video clip's transcript relating to the appointment of judges.

Nordin: Have you ever discussed with Lingam the appointment of five judges?
Eusoff: No.

Nordin: Did you send a memo to the PM?
Eusoff: No.
When was this recording made?

Nordin: Dec 20, 2001.
Eusoff: I'm out dah. No longer CJ (Chief Justice).

Nordin: After your retirement, have you sent any memo to the PM on the appointment of judges?
Eusoff: No.

Nordin then read the portion of the transcript about the problems faced by Eusoff when he was in office.

Nordin: Are these allegations against you true?
Eusoff: I don't understand what he was referring to.

Nordin: So you don't understand the meaning?
Eusoff: No. He said “problem.” What “problem”?

Nordin reads the following portion of the transcript:
One day, I went to Vincent Tan’s house, I fired him at night in the house. I said bloody hell if you don’t do this, who will do it? All these people, Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk Ahmad Fairuz, Tan Sri Zainon all fought for us.”
Eusoff: I don’t know what he was talking about. Apa benda (what was that)?

Nordin reads the following portion of the transcript:
No. don’t worry the... the... Datuk, I know how much you suffered for Tun Eusoff Chin... and Tun said Datuk Ahmad Fairuz... hundred and ten percent loyalty.”
Eusoff: I don’t understand what it means.

Nordin reads the following portion of the transcript:
“Chinese Man: Who is that?
Indian Man: Dato Ahmad Fairuz.
Chinese Man: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.
Indian Man: I put him up there. You don't tell this to anybody please. I cannot tell this to Manjit.
Chinese Man: Ah.
Indian Man: And he is Acting President Court of Appeal number two post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says I leave it to you.

Chinese Man: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin... Dato?

Indian Man: He's Eusoff Chin's man. Eusoff Chin he's already retired. But... Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand?”

Nordin: Do you understand the statement? Is the statement about Tun Ahmad Fairuz being your man true?

Eusoff: Not true. I don't understand.

Commissioner Datuk Mahadev Shankar: Not true or don't understand?

Eusoff: Firstly, I don't understand what he's referring to.

Nordin: You understand the part that went “Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin?” Do you know if this is true?

Eusoff: Never.

Nordin reads the following portion of the transcript:

“Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight get Pom, Pom, Pom, Pom. But now Dzaiddin is there and ... Dzaiddin is attacking our cases, that is why James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin retiring 15th of September. He's finished.”

Nordin: Is it true you're extremely close to Datuk V.K. Lingam?
Eusoff: Not extremely close.

Nordin: Do you understand the part about “Eusoff Chin, I can straight get Pom, Pom, Pom, Pom?”
Eusoff: (laughs) I don't know.

Nordin: Were you involved in the appointment of Tun Ahmad Fairuz as President of the Court of Appeal and as the Chief Justice?
Eusoff: No.

Nordin: Have you ever met Datuk V.K. Lingam to discuss Tun Ahmad Fairuz's appointment as President of the Court of Appeal and Chief Justice?

Eusoff: Never.

Nordin: Have you ever discussed with Tengku Adnan (Tengku Mansor) or Tan Sri Vincent Tan on Tun Ahmad Fairuz's appointment as President of the Court of Appeal and as Chief Justice?

Eusoff: No.

Ranjit Singh (counsel for the Malaysian Bar): Was your relationship with Datuk V.K. Lingam anything other than that of a lawyer-judge relationship when you were a judge and Chief Justice?
Eusoff: It was a normal lawyer-judge relationship. Nothing more.

Ranjit Singh then tendered a newspaper article with the headline “Eusoff: I paid for my own holidays overseas.”Ranjit Singh reads the article:

“Asked about the photo, Eusoff said it was taken after he coincidentally met Lingam while on holiday there. 'I bumped into him (Lingam) there. As a Malaysian in a foreign country, I was happy to see a fellow countryman. I told him I was going to the zoo and he asked if he could tag along. I told him I was taking a bus there and he said he did not mind, so he came along. He also wanted to take pictures with me and I obliged,' he said. He said the photo was a 'posed picture', adding: 'When the man puts his hand on your shoulder, you can't simply shove it aside.

Ranjit Singh: Did you make these statements?
Eusoff: I gave some press statements but I can't remember. I bumped into him after breakfast. In fact, I met him
earlier in Singapore.

Ranjit Singh: You went to New Zealand on holiday with your family? Can you tell us exactly who went with you?
Eusoff: My wife (Toh Puan) Rosaini (Mustaffa) and my children Zubaidah and Johan.

Ranjit Singh: You first bumped into Datuk V.K. Lingam in Singapore in respect of your New Zealand holiday. Was anybody with him?
Eusoff: I can't remember. He must have been with his family.

Ranjit Singh: I'm told with his wife and two children? You know he has a wife and two children?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit Singh: Where in Singapore did you bump into him?
At the airport.

Ranjit Singh: You then flew to New Zealand from Singapore?
Auckland, I think.

Ranjit Singh then produces a copy of a Holiday Tours travel itinerary detailing Eusoff's holiday in New Zealand in December 1994.

When the lawyer asked the former Chief Justice to confirm that this was indeed his itinerary, he replied: “I can't remember. This came from the tour agent.”

Ranjit Singh: Also stated in this itinerary are the names Rohani and Jeyanthi. Do you know who these people are?
Eusoff: Rohani was my secretary (then). I do not know who Jeyanthi is.

Ranjit: Tun, you said you bumped into him in Singapore and you flew to Auckland via NZ28 J at 17.55hrs. You flew on business class?
Eusoff: I cannot recall. What it (referring to Eusoff’s itinerary for the December 1994 trip) says is there.

Ranjit: You flew with Datuk V.K. Lingam from Singapore to Auckland on that flight on Dec 22?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Then there is a next flight from Auckland to Christchurch NZ1541 on Dec 26 J class, 15.15hrs. Did you take this flight?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Did you fly together with Datuk Lingam and his family?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: You will note that you landed in Auckland on Dec 22 or 23 and left Christchurch on Dec 26. You have two to three days there. Did you and your family spend the three days in Auckland with Datuk Lingam and his family?
Eusoff: The thing is, he wanted to tag on and asked, “Can I come along?”, that sort of thing.

Ranjit: You stayed in the same hotel as Datuk Lingam?
Eusoff: In
Auckland, there is only one good hotel.

Ranjit: Which hotel is that?
Eusoff: I can’t remember.

Ranjit: And Datuk Lingam stayed in the same hotel?
Eusoff: Can’t remember.

Ranjit: Did Datuk Lingam tag along for the entire trip in Auckland?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Did Tun take an extra trip out of this itinerary?
Eusoff: This is what was given. What actually took place there, I can’t remember.

Ranjit: On Dec 30, 7am, business class, did your family fly to Auckland from Christchurch with Datuk Lingam and his family?
Eusoff: Yes, I think so.

Ranjit: Auckland to Singapore flight NZ73, Dec 30, business class, 9.55am. Do you recall taking this flight back?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Did Datuk Lingam and his family fly back on this flight too?
Eusoff: Maybe. Yes.

Ranjit: Do you recall flying back to Singapore with Datuk Lingam and his family?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Singapore-KL flight MH616, Dec 30, first class. Did you take this flight with your family?
Eusoff: Yes.

Ranjit: Do you recall whether Datuk Lingam and his family took the same flight?
Eusoff: Can’t remember.

Ranjit: From KL to Singapore via flight MH 611, that was the start of the trip when you allegedly bumped into Datuk Lingam and his family?
Eusoff: No.

Ranjit: Sure?
Eusoff: Because when we boarded, I didn’t see them.

Ranjit: All the flights taken by you and your family and that of Datuk Lingam and his family appeared to match. Even the hotel you stayed in Auckland. You stayed about three to four days in Christchurch. After that was there another flight?

Eusoff: I can’t remember.

Ranjit: He was stalking you throughout? He got hold of your itinerary without your knowledge so that he can be close to you?

Eusoff: Maybe. I can’t say what he’s thinking. I went to New Zealand because (retired Federal Court judge Tan Sri) Edgar Joseph (Jr) told me to go to New Zealand. It’s a nice place to go and see. I told my secretary to get a tour agent to plan for a week or so. How he wants to tag along and follow my itinerary I can’t control.

Ranjit: Christchurch to Queenstown in the South Island of New Zealand. That’s a place famous for its bungee jumping. I am told. Discovery (Channel)! How did Tun travel from Christchurch to Queenstown? Was it by car, road, and not a flight?

Eusoff: Yes, I took a van. One New Zealander drove the van. Datuk V.K. lingam and his family went along. He wanted to pay half of the costs.

Ranjit: You bumped into him accidentally. He followed you everywhere and wanted to share a van to Queenstown. In Malaysia, you were a judge and him, a lawyer. Wouldn’t Tun say “This is enough. I would not share a van with you. There must be a limit.” Why did you allow him to follow you to Queenstown.
Eusoff: You see, the van can accommodate nine people.

Ranjit: Was there a person by the name of Tan Chong Paw in the van?
Eusoff: I cannot remember.

Ranjit: When you went to Queenstown, do you remember, where you stayed?
Eusoff: Cannot remember.

Ranjit: How did you travel from Queenstown back to Christchurch?
Eusoff: I flew back with my family together with Datuk V.K. Lingam and his family.

Ranjit: He followed you again?
Eusoff: Yeah, he followed.

Ranjit: Can you explain how Datuk Lingam managed to book the same flights as yours to travel from Queenstown back to Christchurch?

Eusoff: He went to an agent there and booked the tickets. I said I have to go back and do my work. He wanted to book the tickets. I can’t stop him.

(Looking at Ranjit) You also can come if you went there. I can’t stop you.
I will never travel with Tun Eusoff Chin.
You are not out to hammer me, I hope.

Ranjit: We are not hammering you. We are here in this Royal Commission of Inquiry to establish the truth!
At this juncture, Commissioner Datuk Mahadev Shankar said, “Ranjit, please leave out your comments.”

Ranjit: How many photographs were taken between the bus and zoo events?
Eusoff: The pictures were taken for the family album. If he wants to take, what can I do? Everybody - lawyers, students - wants to take photo with me. What can I do? I can’t stop them. There were times when Lingam insisted on taking photographs with me.

Ranjit: How many photographs?
Eusoff: I brought a camera, he also brought a camera. I can’t remember how many photographs altogether. We just see and snap, snap.

Ranjit: If one bumps into somebody else accidentally, like Datuk Lingam and Tun, one will assume that after one or two photos, Datuk Lingam would have moved on with his own itinerary? How many photos were taken?
Eusoff: A few. We don’t count
Eusoff: Can’t remember.

Ranjit: One or two, five to 10, 31 or 32, 46, 47?
Eusoff: Five to 10.

Ranjit: Sure?
Eusoff: About that.

Ranjit (Taking out a big envelope and pulling out a big stack of photographs): Tun, I’m going to show you a series of photographs. (Refers to a photograph showing Eusoff and his wife posing with Lingam and his wife in holiday attire, in front of a building with the words ‘Skyline Gondola’ written on it.) Are you able to identify from left to right the people in the photograph?
Eusoff: My wife, myself, Datuk V.K. Lingam and his wife.

Ranjit: The building behind you? It reads Skyline Gondola?
At this juncture, leading officer DPP Datuk
Nordin Hassan objected to the line of questioning saying that it had gone outside the ambit of the terms of reference of the inquiry.

Mahadev: But the Commission of Inquiry is very much open, isn’t it?
Nordin: Not on closeness per se. It shouldn’t be addressed.

Mahadev: One of the terms of reference is to determine whether a misconduct had been committed by the person or persons identified or mentioned in the video clip.

Tan Sri Haidar Mohd Noor: Is it necessary to ask these questions?

M. Puravalen (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyer): Whenever somebody said the scope of this inquiry is limited to misbehaviour in relation to the appointment of judges, where is it stated that it is limited to this? How did this limitation creep into this inquiry?

Haidar: The questions should be confined to the terms of reference of this inquiry.
Puravalen: Can we have a ruling on this?

Mahadev: No such ruling is to be made. Let Ranjit ask his questions first.
Haidar: The DPP is trying to say whether Ranjit should continue. Let Ranjit respond first.

Tan Sri Steve Shim: At this stage of questioning, certain things have been brought about. I’m not sure whether Tun (Eusoff) wants to say something. I notice he is not represented. Maybe we need to ask if he needs time to get legal representation in these proceedings.

Eusoff: Initially, I trust the wisdom of the member (of the Commission) to look into what is admissible or inadmissible.

Haidar: Maybe Tun would want to consider getting legal representation to guide the commission.
Eusoff: Give me some time. All these (evidence adduced so far) are irrelevant. Initially, I did not take counsel because we have five wise people up there. I think I need to get a counsel now.

Haidar: Today is Friday, we need to go off early. We propose that there be no sitting in the afternoon. We will adjourn to Monday.

Eusoff: I cannot appoint a counsel during the weekend. In the weekend, lawyers will not be in the office.

Haidar: Then we proceed with other witnesses on Monday. We will let you know, Tun, the next day for your testimony.

= == = == = =

HOW THE COURT DRAMA BUILT UP - Q & A - account from theSUN

When he started giving his testimony, Mohamed Eusoff said he had served as the Chief Justice between September 1994 and December 2000. The drama started when Nordin asked Mohamed Eusoff whether he knew Lingam and the extent of his relationship with the lawyer.

Mohamed Eusoff: Yes, I know him.

Nordin: Since when did you know him?

Mohamed Eusoff: Do not know exactly, but since the 90’s.

Nordin: Can you explain, how you know him?

Mohamed Eusoff: I was a judge at the KL court and he appeared before me in several cases.

Nordin: Were you and Datuk V.K.Lingam close acquaintances?

Mohamed Eusoff: It was a normal acquaintance….. (murmurs something that it was nothing more).

Nordin: What about Tan Sri Vincent Tan, do you know him?

Mohamed Eusoff: I don’t know him but have met him at functions.

Nordin: Have you seen the video-clip recording on an Indian man talking on the phone about an alleged brokering of appointments of judges.

Mohamed Eusoff: Yes, after the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) showed it to me.

Mohamed Eusoff was then told to look at the video-clip which was played for the fourth time at the inquiry.

Nordin: Can you identify the man in the clip?

Mohamed Eusoff: I could not identify the Indian man as the image was not clear.

Nordin: What about the way the man talked, was there any similarity?

Mohamed Eusoff: It sounded like him.

Nordin then referred Mohamed Eusoff to the transcript of the video-clip and focused on the parts where the former Chief Justice’s name was mentioned.

Nordin: Did you discuss with Datuk V.K.Lingam about the appointments of the five High Court judges?

Mohamed Eusoff: No.

Nordin: Did you send any memo to the prime minister about the appointment of the judges?

Mohamed Eusoff: When was this recording?

Nordin: The recording was done on Dec 20, 2001.

Mohamed Eusoff: I was already retired by then.

Nordin: After your retirement did you send any memos to the PM?

Mohamed Eusoff: No.

Mohamed Eusoff was taken through the other parts of the transcript, which contained his name and asked if he knew what was being conversed between the man speaking on the handphone with the person on the other side.

Mohamed Eusoff replied he had no idea what the conversation was about and that he also did not know about the remark that the then Chief Justice Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah hated him.

He also denied the statement made in the transcript that he was close to Lingam.

Nordin: Were you involved in the appointment of Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim as the president of the Court of Appeal and subsequently the Chief Justice?

Mohamed Eusoff: No.

Nordin: Have you ever met Tengku Adnan Tengku Yusof or Tan Sri Vincent Tan over Ahmad Fairuz’s appointment as the Chief Justice?

Mohamed Eusoff: No.

= == = === = == == = = =


Ranjit, who began questioning Mohamed Eusoff after Nordin had finished, started off on whether his relationship with Lingam was nothing more than a lawyer-judge relationship.

Mohamed Eusoff said it was a normal relationship and nothing more.

The tide was turned against Mohamed Eusoff when Ranjit produced a copy of theSun, dated June 7, 2000, with the heading, "Eusoff: I paid for my own holidays overseas".

Ranjit then read out parts of the article which said the then Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Dr Rais Yatim, had commented on, Mohamed Eusoff and his family being pictured together with Lingam and his family in photos while overseas, that such socialising is not consistent with the proper handling and behaviour of a judicial personality.

Ranjit said Mohamed Eusoff had explained that the photos were taken after he coincidentally met Lingam while on holiday.

He then read out Mohamed Eusoff’s comments in the article which read, "I bumped into him (Lingam) there. As a Malaysian in a foreign country, I was happy to see a fellow countryman. I told him I was going to the zoo and he asked if he could tag along. I told him I was taking a bus there and he said he did not mind, so he came along. He also wanted to take pictures with me and I obliged. He said the photo was a ‘posed picture’, adding ‘when the man puts his hand over your shoulders, you can’t simply shove it aside’. He said it is normal for lawyers to want to have pictures taken with the Chief Justice and that he always entertains such requests by senior lawyers and students whom he met on his overseas trips". Mohamed Eusoff said he had bumped into Lingam after breakfast while in Singapore when he was on his way to holiday in Auckland in New Zealand. Mohamed Eusoff, when asked to provide the details of those who went on the trip, replied they were his wife Puan Sri Rosaini Mustaffa and daughter and son, Zubaidah and Johan respectively.

As Ranjit probed deeper, by producing details of the former Chief Justice’s travel itinerary, flight details and photos taken during the trip, he adduced evidence to show Mohamed Eusoff had travelled with Lingam from the start of the trip, in Singapore to Auckland, Christchurch, Queenstown and another town.

The overseas trip took place between Dec 22 and Dec 30 in 1994. Mohamed Eusoff said Lingam had wanted to tag along while he was in the trip and he did not stop the lawyer from following him.

"Did you travel with Datuk V.K.Lingam on the same entourage?" asked Ranjit. "Yes, he wanted to share the cost," replied Mohamed Eusoff.

Ranjit was continuing with his questions on further details of the trip, when Nordin interjected.


ABOVE : Lawyer Wee Choo Keong, who represents Lingam’s younger brother V.Thirunama Karasu, made a formal application to offer his client as a witness

Prior to that, when the proceedings began for the day, lawyer Wee Choo Keong, who represents Lingam’s younger brother V.Thirunama Karasu, made a formal application to offer his client as a witness to assist the Commission in its inquiry. The Commission told Wee it was premature for Thirunama Karasu to make the application before Mohamed Eusoff testified, and advised him to hold on. However, Wee persisted and insisted the Commission listen to his application, which it said would be taken note of. Nordin however told the Commission the ACA had interviewed Thirunama Karasu, who had claimed that he had nothing to do with the video-clip. Wee however said the application was to show the level of closeness between Lingam and Mohamed Eusoff and that it could play an influential part in the appointments of the judges as alleged in the clip. Puravalen also said his client, Anwar, would be ready to appear before the Commission next week.The hearing continues on Monday (Jan 21)

= == == = =


Prior to that, when the proceedings began for the day, lawyer Wee Choo Keong, who represents Lingam’s younger brother V.Thirunama Karasu, made a formal application to offer his client as a witness to assist the Commission in its inquiry. The Commission told Wee it was premature for Thirunama Karasu to make the application before Mohamed Eusoff testified, and advised him to hold on. However, Wee persisted and insisted the Commission listen to his application, which it said would be taken note of.

Nordin however told the Commission the ACA had interviewed Thirunama Karasu, who had claimed that he had nothing to do with the video-clip. Wee however said the application was to show the level of closeness between Lingam and Mohamed Eusoff and that it could play an influential part in the appointments of the judges as alleged in the clip. Puravalen also said his client, Anwar, would be ready to appear before the Commission next week.The hearing continues on Monday (Jan 21).

= == =and the Background - What happened 7 years ago when the Holiday trip in 1994 surfaced?

1. Vacation Photos Land Top Malaysia Judge in Hot Water

By Thomas Fuller; Published: THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2000

2. DAP Futile attempt 7 years ago in Parliament; (without the evidence then)

3. What did Rais Yatim said 7 years ago?

He said he had merely bumped into Lingam in New Zealand: "I was going to the zoo and he asked, 'Could I tag along?'" Eusoff denied that Rais had discussed the New Zealand holiday with him.
4. What was the reaction 7 years ago at the Bar Council

Go H E R E for details

= == = == Following are earlier reports from Bernama

January 18, 2008 11:39 AM

Eusoff Chin Says Lingam Just An Acquaintance

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- Former chief justice Tun Eusoff Chin told a royal commission of inquiry here on Friday that lawyer Datuk V. K. Lingam was just an acquaintance. Eusoff, the 11th witness at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the controversial Lingam video clip, gave the reply when asked whether he knew Lingam well. Eusoff, who retired as the chief justice in 2000, said he knew Lingam when he (Eusoff) was a High Court judge and the lawyer had conducted cases before him. The inquiry, to verify the authenticity of a video clip which shows a senior lawyer apparently brokering the appointment of judges, entered its fifth day today

= == = == == January 18, 2008 13:41 PM

Lingam Tagged Along On New Zealand Trip, Eusoff Chin Tells InquiryABOVE & BELOW: Acquittance's going on holidays in NZ with theri respective families

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- Retired chief justice Tun Eusoff Chin told the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the controversial Lingam video clip Friday that he allowed lawyer Datuk V.K.Lingam to tag along with him and his family on a holiday trip to New Zealand in 1994 despite then holding the number one post in the judiciary. Eusoff, 73, revealed the details of the holiday trip after he was grilled by the Malaysian Bar representative on the trip from December 22 to 30 1994."I bumped into him.

He wanted to tag along with me. It is not my problem. How can I stop him?" Eusoff said. Eusoff said Lingam, who was also in New Zealand with his wife and two daughters, told him that he wanted to come along with Eusoff and his family during their stay in New Zealand. He also said that Lingam and he took the same flights during the holiday as well as stayed in the same hotel at one point in New Zealand, and took five to 10 photographs together. "Everywhere I went, he wanted to take pictures with me. How can I stop (him)?" said Eusoff, adding that he (Eusoff) even obliged everybody, including students, who wanted to take pictures with him.

= == = == =January 18, 2008 14:13 PM

Lingam Offered To Pay Half Of Transport Cost In New Zealand, Says Eusoff Chin

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the controversial Lingam video clip Friday heard that retired chief justice Tun Eusoff Chin and lawyer Datuk V.K. Lingam equally shared the cost of transportation between two cities during a holiday with their families in New Zealand in 1994. Eusoff, who was then the chief justice, said he only paid half of the transportation cost for a van from Christchurch to Queenstown after Lingam offered to pay the other half. Eusoff said he, his wife Toh Puan Rosaini Mustaffa and their two children, Zubaidah and Johan, had hired a travel agency van driven by a New Zealander to go to Queenstown.

Malaysian Bar representative Ranjit Singh asked Eusoff why he did not tell Lingam he was not going to share the van with him (Lingam) and his family as it was wrong for a judge to do such a thing because Lingam was a lawyer and had appeared before him in court. Eusoff replied that the van could accommodate between four and nine people and "there were eight of us in the van". Ranjit Singh also asked whether Lingam had gotten hold of Eusoff's holiday itinerary and planned the trip just to be close to Eusoff. Eusoff answered: "I can't say what he (Lingam) was thinking but Justice Datuk Edgar Joseph Jr, who had just come back from New Zealand, told me that it was a nice place to visit. "I then asked my secretary to contact the travel agent to arrange a trip for me for a week or so. However, he (Lingam) wanted to tag along. It was out of my control."

= = == = = Now Go H E R E for Day 6 on 21st Jan 2008

MORE PICS - LINGAM insists on ORIGINAL Copy for Authenticity despite confirmation & was Tipsy with Drinks’; What was the Original Motive For Release of Clip? Revenge? Business man Loh could not get his Fees Refund, Lingam was the Lawyer for Loh’s Father and Lingam was Sued by Loh’s Mother. Complicated?


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