MORE PICS & Video – Day 19 -Altantuya Murder Trial; 8 CCTV Images of Accused in White & Yellow-Blue T-shirts at Hotel lobby & lift areas, Oct 18 06

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DAY 19 Trial –
Images Of Two Men- Believed To Be Azilah And Sirul Captured On Hotel's CCTV
SHAH ALAM, July 16 (Bernama) -- The Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial was shown eight images of two men believed to be the accused, Chief Insp Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, which were captured on the closed-circuit television (CCTV) of Hotel Malaya, where the Mongolian stayed. The images were shown on the screen of a 21-inch television placed on the prosecution's bench in the High Court here.
Insert ABOVE: Pic of Sirul Azhar, Is that him?
ABOVE & BELOW: Image 1 - Taken with different cameras & from different angle
INSERT is enlarged of person, further enlargement is NOT possible as the pixel of this picture & the TV resolution is NOT high

They revealed the two men, respectively wearing a white T-shirt and a yellow-blue striped T-shirt and pants, roaming the hotel lobby, the lift area, entering the lift and on the 7th and 11th floors between
ABOVE & BELOW: Image 3 - Taken with different cameras & from different angle
Based on observation of the images which were not clear, the man in the yellow-blue striped T-shirt resembled Sirul Azhar, from the shape of his face and the physical aspect. At a glance, the other man looked like Azilah. Azilah, 30, and Sirul Azhar, 35, are charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between Lots 12843 and 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja, between
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Altantuya Did Not Complain, Hotel Employee Tells Court
N. Haridharan (ABOVE), 22, said if the Mongolian woman lodged complaints, he surely had recorded them and informed the hotel manager on duty. He also said that Altantuya checked into the hotel on Oct 9 at about
ABOVE: an artist impression of Chief Inspector Azilah and BELOW , Cpl Sirul
Two policemen (ABOVE) from the Special Action Squad -- 30-year-old Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, -- are charged with the murder while political analyst Abdul Razak, 46, is alleged to have abetted them. In previous proceedings, two Mongolian women who were with Altantuya, Uuriintuya Gal-Ochir and Namiraa Gerelmaa, said Abdul Razak's private detective, Suras Kumar, had harassed and threatened them at the hotel.
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ABOVE: The 3rd accused Abdul Razak arriving in court on Day 19 Trial
ABOVE & BELOW: The two hooded policemen arriving. Why are they helping their own people to dress in such a way to hide their faces or guilt?
Cloudy images from CCTV, prosecution sweats
R. Surenthira Kumar; SUN
DAY 19
At this point, the prosecution had problems trying to get the recording to be played back smoothly. Instead the playback went staccato and the images were also not clear. This is because the player used by the prosecution was not compatible with the video tape, the court was told. After a lot of time was wasted trying to register a clear image, the court decided to reserve as evidence the CCTV images.
Judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin said the images will be viewed later with the proper equipment.
Loo was continuing his testimony which started last Thursday (July 12).
The playback equipment consisted of two monitors, one for the gallery and the other for the judge, video cassette player and cable connector set. The monitor showed a 16-frame image of the 16 CCTV recordings at various locations in the hotel, from the lobby to the lift areas and also from the 3rd to the 10th floors.
The recordings played in the court began from
Altantuya was allegedly murdered between
DPP Manoj Kurup had a difficult time with the recording, playing it and rewinding it, to get to the images of the two men captured by the CCTVs on the lobby, lift area and the lift exits on the 7th and 8th floor.
Manoj then asked Loo to refer to the earlier photographs of the images taken by the police from the hotel's monitors and compare them to the images being shown on the monitors in the courtroom. At one point, Manoj asked why Loo had testified that the images were on the 7th floor whereas the recording showed it was on the 8th floor.
Loo (ABOVE) said he thought the images were on the 7th floor, when in fact the recordings were of the 8th floor, based on the markings on the 16-grain image.
Manoj: Can you explain why the clock is showing that time?
Loo: Because the system is not compatible with the player. The player cannot read the tape properly.
Manoj: So the timing as shown happens because this player has compatibility problem?
Loo: Yes
Manoj: Not because there is anything wrong with the tape?
Loo: Yes
Manoj: So if we play with a player that is compatible, the timing would not run?
Loo: Yes
Asked by Mohd Zaki if the system used in Hotel Malaya could be used to replay the recordings, Loo said it was out of order, but with their system, the recording could be viewed clearly.
"Are you going to get a replacement? The system is obsolete, isn't it?" asked DPP Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah.
Loo replied the replacement would be a new and better system.
Asked by Mohd Zaki if the DPP can get better equipment for the CCTV recordings to be viewed again when the afternoon session begins, Tun Abdul Majid said it had taken them two days to procure the present equipment.
"This system is obsolete," said Mohd Zaki to Tun Abdul Majid.
Loo was later asked on the guest list and he said Altantuya was registered into Room 817, then she changed to Room 801 and finally Room 821.
He said Altantuya checked in on Oct 9 and checked out on Oct 27.
Manoj also asked Loo about Room 823 which was registered under two unidentified persons names, but stopped short, saying the relevance of the question will be shown later.
They were playing back Hotel Malaya's closed-circuit television (CCTV) recording of two men seen entering the hotel and going up to the 8th floor where Altantuya stayed on Oct 18. But the images were unclear, and could not be played back smoothly. Instead, the images came out in random order, and the reading of the time the images were caught was also wrong. The prosecution tried to fix it. The court's policemen had a go at it.
ABOVE: Loo trying to fix and get the images running but without success
Hotel Malaya's operations manager Loo Mow Chan (ABOVE) , who was continuing his testimony, had it going for a while but it then went on the blink. A technician from a TV station covering the trial was also asked to help. So did a police forensics department official. They were dealing with an obsolete system. The hotel's system had gone bust and the prosecution took two days to procure the player to do the job.
The prosecution took several breaks to try and overcome the problem.
In the end, judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin had to reserve using the CCTV recording and the images taken from it as evidence until the technical hitch was resolved.
Prosecution sweats
The images recorded by the hotel CCTVs turned out to be not very clear as the recordings were captured on VHS tapes which have been phased out. A police forensics department personnel who had been roped in to assist in the exercise, also gave up, as the equipment used when the tapes were retrieved by the department for investigation was different from the one used in court today. The prosecution took several breaks to solve the problem, causing judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin, to quip:
"I have been up and down (referring to him leaving and returning to his chair) the whole day." He also asked the prosecution how they would know if the recordings can be viewed clearly and in a smooth flowing manner tomorrow as the tapes would be in the court's possession and it can only be tested when the court resumes sitting. DPP Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said it could be tested only tomorrow and hoped the private company engaged to do this would succeed. He added the police forensics department would also bring their equipment which was used by them when they took the tapes for investigations, in case the private company fails.
When court resumed hearing after lunch, Hotel Malaya front office assistant N. Haridharan, 20, confirmed Altantuya Shaariibuu had checked into the hotel at
He said Altantuya filled in the address requested in the form and was given Room 817 after she had paid a cash deposit of RM300.
During cross examination, lawyer Wong Kian Kheong asked Haridharan if the hotel room was equipped with a safety latch and a peep hole, he said yes.
What happened today (Day 19)
* Hotel Malaya operations manager Loo Mow Chan continued his testimony from last Thursday (July 12).
* Court had difficulty viewing the CCTV recording as the playback equipment was not compatible with the video tape. Judge decides to view it later with the right equipment.
* After lunch, Loo resumed testimony, followed by the hotel's front office assistant, B. Haridharan
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