Sunday, September 09, 2007

MORE PICS & Video – 500 Protested (13 Arrested) in Trengganu - hurled Molotovs & Objects at Police for No ceremah; 300 FRU used Water guns & Tear gas

ABOVE & BELOW: Malaysiakini Updates stories of the Clashes in Batu Buruk details H E R E and H E R E
aBELOW: Malaysiakini is the afternoon partial account of the PAS Press conference, more H E R E by Subscription

= = == = == = = =At the end of the Press conference DAP Ronnie Liu stated:

Personal account from a Chinese reporter – He was barred from entering the scene. There is no chance of taking any photographs. We have reasons to believe all these photographs were supplied by the authorities.
You show people throwing up stone but never show the police beating up people. Just like sometimes we complain about CNN showing the Palestines throwing stones at the Israelis but you never show the Israeli’s solders beating up ther Palestine youths. This is the same case. BN leaders used to complain CNN doing this. You are now showing the youngsters who are angry but never the Police. I myself is a victim of the Police . We know how the police would beat up people”

Datuk Mustafa Ali added: "Two cameramen present have their cameras taken away"
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Batu Buruk: Skirmish pre-planned - PAS

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 10 (ES) - The police and the ruling party has been accused of colluding to a pre-planned” skirmish which resulted in two people being injured by “at least two rounds” of live ammunition after the authorities denied permission for an organised political event from being held at Batu Buruk in Terengganu, Saturday Sept 8.

Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) Terengganu commissioner Datuk Mustafa Ali (ABOVE Left) named Internal Security Minister political secretary Senator Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh as among those allegedly responsible for the pre-planned skirmishes. In a press conference held at PAS headquarters here today by a coalition of political parties, trade unions and non-governmental organizations calling themselves BERSIH, Mustafa said witnesses are willing to come forward to testify that the skirmishes was pre-planned.

He said a police officer was informed in a meeting on the afternoon of Sept 8, of the identities of those attending the event and that plainclothed policemen were asked to wear a ribbon to identify themselves. “Full investigation must be done by the police to get the whole picture on what has transpired,” he said. He said UMNO from the ruling coalition had taken the measure because "the people had shown they were more than willing to reject UMNO and the ruling coalition in the next election." "That's why they have (to resort to these measures)," he said. Wan Ahmad Farid could not be immediately contacted for comments. Mustafa also noted that an application submitted for a police permit Aug 30 for the event which was to be held in a private premise, and the police rejected it on the grounds that the area was heavily populated and that the event would be a nuisance.

He rejected the reason given as "groundless" and noted that police officers came twice on Sept 7 and 8 to ask the owner of the premise to sign a letter not to allow the event from being held there. Mustafa said the police then dismantled a platform erected for the event at about 5pm on the day of the event - in the absence of owner - in a move he described as "morally and legally wrong". The event by BERSIH was to highlight the growing call for free and fair elections which among others includes the demand for postal ballot to be abolished, the use of indelible ink during voting day, the cleaning up of the voters rolls deemed to be littered with “phantom voters” and equal access to the media.

UPDATE: Sep 10 9.30am; Monday September 10, 2007

Ceramah clash in Terengganu; By R.S.N. MURALI; STAR
KUALA TERENGGANU: Seven people were injured – two with gunshot wounds – when opposition supporters clashed with police trying to disperse an illegal political gathering on Saturday night. The riot was sparked when police ordered the crowd of 500 people gathering at Jalan Sultan Mahmud, close to Batu Burok, to disperse peacefully at 10pm. Despite five verbal warnings, the crowd became aggressive and verbally abused the Federal Reserve Unit personnel. Soon they became even more aggressive and started hurling stones, homemade bombs and Molotov cocktails at police.

ABOVE : An ugly scene- Bricks and stones litter the streets as riot policemen and the opposition supporters stand off after the violence which occured when policemen ordered the crowd to disperse. No permit had been issued for the gathering.

Police retaliated with tear gas and water cannons and in the melee, shots were fired injuring two opposition supporters, aged 21 and 38. The two have been hospitalised. One is in serious condition with a neck injury at the Kubang Kerian Hospital in Kelantan. Four policemen were also injured. One was warded at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah hospital.

By 12.35am, 13 people were detained and the situation was brought under control. Police have obtained a remand order against four men believed to be members of opposition parties to facilitate police investigations into the clash. One of the remanded men is being investigated for having dangerous arms during the riot while two others are being investigated under the Explosive and Dangerous Weapons Act. Police later released 19 men on police bail. Several police 4WD and public vehicles were damaged in the clash. Kuala Terengganu Municipal Council’s decorative lights, flower pots, motorcycles, Umno flags and Barisan Nasional banners were also damaged.

Damage was estimated at about RM1mil. Terengganu police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ayub Yaakob said 20 rioters attacked a policeman at Permai Inn Hotel’s car park. “One of the injured policemen had no choice but to fire at two of his attackers,” he said. SAC Ayub said the FRU was summoned to the ceramah after the organisers who invited PKR secretary-general Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to speak at the gathering failed to turn up to discuss the issue of obtaining a permit. It was learnt that the venue was not suitable for a ceramah as it was a tourist area and the road leading to the venue was often congested while top government officials also stay there. Police had suggested to the organiser to hold the ceramah at Rusila but no one turned up to discuss the matter. The ceramah was supported by PAS, PKR and DAP.

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: Sep 10 1am, exclusive

ABOVE & BELOW & BELOW: The 4 who were remanded for 1 week. All look like PAS supporters

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KeADILan condemns police violence in Batu Buruk; Tian Chua

Sun | Sep 09, 07 | 07:25:13 PM

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan) condemns the heavy handed fashion in which the police violently disrupted a peaceful gathering and talk that was scheduled for the night of 8 September in Pantai Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu. Mere hours after the release of a "people friendly budget", we are shocked that the police decided to shoot live bullets into a crowd of innocent people gathered peacefully at a talk organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH). This was in addition to the use of tear gas, batons and handcuffs to brutally disperse the crowd.

While we have come to expect such injustices from the current government, the sheer amount of violence is appalling and has not been used to break up such a simple, peaceful gathering in an extremely long time. The shooting, gassing, beatings and arrests of scores of people whose only "crime" was to seek alternative views and information clearly indicates that the BN government has reached the heights of desperation in their cowardly and dishonorable attempt to hide their corruption and cruelty from the Malaysian people.

The extremely last-minute decision of the police to revoke the permit for the gathering which they had originally granted is not only unreasonable but also highly suspect, and points towards political meddling. KeADILan demands that the Prime Minister immediately ordered an independent inquiry into the incident. We also call upon all Malaysians who wish to preserve their rights to gather peacefully and seek alternative views to voice up our unequivocal condemnation of police brutality. Tian Chua; Information Chief; People's Justice Party;

= = == = == = =UPDATE: Sep 9 07; 9pm

1 week remand order from Trengganu session Court for several PAS Supporters to help investigation into riots last night. At least 23 were arrested last night in clashes with close to 1000 people at Padang Batu Buruk, Jalan Sultan Mahmood to attend a ceremah which do not have a permit.

5 people were injured in the clashes including 4 police personnel. The rioters were throwing Molotov cocktails and stones and shouting abuses at the Police. At press time, 19 of the 23 were released on Police bail whilst 4 were remanded. The speakers (PAS (Vice-President, Mohd Sabu) Keadilan PKR treasurer (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) and DAP (Leong Ngah Ngah) ,MP Triong, Pahang were told to attend a meeting regarding the ceremah permit but failed to turn up at 6pm.Some 350 FRU & policemen dispersed the crowd with the aid of water cannons.

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ABOVE: DPM Najib issued a stern warning that any party (INCLUDING BN) wishing to have a ceremah must have a valid police permit otherwise "there would be anarchy". He said this after his round of Golf (BELOW) at Subang
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ABOVE: they came by the truckloads,- the much feared FRU and swarmed the place (BELOW) and bullets (live ones) were fired causing 2 casualties

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BELOW: Before FRU reinforcement arrived

ABOVE & BELOW: The night scenes before violence flared up in the street of Jalan Sultan Mahmud, the crowds were watching
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ABOVE & BELOW: The use of Molotov cocktails started a number of small fires to brighten up the scenes.

ABOVE & BELOW: Malaysiakini afternoon Report on the incident. Details H E R E with Sub
= == = == = = ==End Update

ABOVE: the Merdeka Arch and BELOW: The Protest & battle starts

More pics coming...

In Malaysiakini in Blogs, Elizabeth Wong has first reported under

Cops don’t like words like “free fair elections”?

up to 11 pm last night about the protest & battle.

When news of the ceremah (organized by Bersih - details below) failed to materialize, a crowd of more than 500 protested and caused havoc at Jlan Sultan Mahmood FD Trengganu neared the lighted up Merderka arch. Traffic was disrupted and motorists avoided that stretch. Apparently the police refused the ceremah on the usual grounds that no permit was granted.

ABOVE & BELOW: Along Jalan Sultan Mahmud FD, Trengganu - a "war zone" from 10 pm to 12 midnight Saturday, 8th Sept 2007

= = == = == = == = == == BELOW: A closed-up view

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According to the CPO Trengganu Datu Ayub Yaakob (ABOVE);, the protest started about 10.00 pm when they assembled at Jalan Sultan Mahood. Meanwhile representatives from PAS (President, Datuk Mustafa Ali) Keadilan PKR (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, treasurer) and DAP (Leong Ngah Ngah,MP Triong, Pahang) were negotiating for a permit.

When they got unruly and aggressive and started hurling objects, stones and even Molotov cocktails at the Police present. A running battle ensued. More reinforcements were called in when a contingent of 300 FRU personnel together with 2 water guns were deployed to disperse the crowd by midnight with the use of tear gas.. No casualty was reported but 13 were arrested under Section 148.

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= = =Watch the Video Clip 1 m 48 s - Protest & Battle Polis - Trengganu 8 Sep 07

= = == = === = = = Background BERSIH


# BERSIH is a joint committee comprising civil society organisations and political parties with the objective of campaigning for free and fair elections in Malaysia.

# Only when elections are free and fair, can citizens be real masters of their own destiny and expect holders of public office to act accountably and effectively. As long as citizens do not have the power to ‘throw the rascals out’, the hope for rule of law, human rights protection, good governance and sustainable development will be at the mercy of self-interested politicians. A real prospect of changing the government of the day is the key check and balance against abuses of power.

# Unfortunately, 50 years after its Independence, Malaysia has failed to establish a free and fair electoral process. Not only have the civil society, political parties and international observers come to this conclusion, it was also admitted by the Chairman of the Election Commission himself. After the last general elections in March 2004 which was marred by irregularities and controversies at an unprecedented degree, even he found it necessary to agree with the public clamour for an independent inquiry. Regrettably, the independent inquiry was never carried out.

# This flawed electoral process raises questions about the legitimacy of the state. Its continuity will not bode well for our nation’s future and will harm the legitimacy of the political system, as demonstrated by developments in Thailand, the Philippines and Taiwan. BERSIH therefore feels that all Malaysians must join forces to push for a thorough reform of the electoral process. We therefore propose a long-run reform agenda and three immediate working goals.

# In the long run which will go beyond the next election, BERSIH believes that these eight aspects must be thoroughly reviewed and reformed:

a. Electoral system:

i. the need to correct the incredibly high disproportionality in federal and state elections where 64% of votes could translate into 91% of seats for the ruling party, due to the nature of the First-Past-The-Post system and the manipulations through mal-apportionment and gerrymandering of electoral constituencies.

ii. the need to introduce some forms of party list representation so that minimum 30% representation in legislatures of women shall be guaranteed.

iii. the need to re-introduce local election with an electoral system that is fairer and more inclusive for women and other marginalized groups.

b. Electoral administration:

i. The need to reform the current Election Commission which has failed to act as an independent institution by moving in the direction of a structure with multi-party representatives, as introduced in many democratizing countries.

ii. Legal provision for the rights of international and domestic observers

c. Party and candidate nomination – that these flaws must be corrected:

i. the discretionary power vested with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) that results in arbitrary decisions on party registration, as shown for example in the cases of Parti Socialis Malaysia ( PSM ) and the Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC);

ii. the partisan and arbitrary decisions by Returning Officers that led to unfair disqualification of opposition candidates;

iii. the controversial post-nomination exit clause for candidates which led to alleged briberies and controversial walkovers.

iv. the arguably highest election deposit in the world which effectively obstructs the participation of resource-poor Malaysians including women and other marginalized groups.

d. Campaigning – legal provisions for the following:

i. a mandatory campaign period substantially longer than the meaningless 8 days in the last election;

ii. real exercise of the constitutionally enshrined freedoms of expression and of assembly;

iii. effective governance of campaign finance to eliminate corrupt practices.

iv. state finance to parties for compulsory capacity building for women candidates and marginal groups and gender sensitivity training.

e. Media/

i. dismantling of the present laws which result in the monopoly of print and broadcasting media by Barisan Nasional proxies.

ii. legal provision for free access to state TV and radio and fair (free or paid) access to private media by all political parties.

iii. legal provision for the right of reply to accusations and criticism in media for all political parties and candidates.

f. Caretaker Government

i. that the outgoing government should be prohibited from making any substantial policy or development decisions once Parliament and/or the State legislatures are dissolved.

ii. that the misuse of state resources and apparatus for electioneering and partisan purposes should be criminalized. iii. that the preparation and revision of the electoral roll should be full transparent and subject to judicial review

g. Electoral Roll

i. that the electoral roll should be updated and accurate to prevent (i) exclusion and involuntary transfer of genuine voters, and (ii) impersonation and multiple voting by ‘phantom voters’.

ii. that all eligible citizens should automatically be registered as voters.

h. Voting

i. The implementation of indelible ink to prevent multiple voting;

ii. The abolishment of postal voting except for diplomats and overseas voters as accountability and secrecy are heavily undermined in current practices.

# For the immediate short-term, JACER calls upon the Chairman and Secretary of the Election Commission, Tan Sri Abd. Rashid bin Abd. Rahman and Datuk Kamaruzaman bin Mohd Noor to implement the following three specific reforms concerning the electoral roll and polling as the first steps towards a free and fair election:
a. the use of indelible ink (as is done in Indonesia and India ) to prevent multiple voting;
b. The abolition of postal votes except for diplomats and other overseas voters;c. a complete revision of the electoral roll to ensure that the existing irregularities are removed and a roll with full integrity is in place.

# In the event that BERSIH does not see a positive response from the Chairman and Secretary of the Election Commission towards the above long-term agenda and, specifically, the three immediate reforms, BERSIH’s national campaign for electoral reform will call for their resignation.

= = == =Go H E R E for the latest Post on

MORE PICS – RM1M Inflated Damages in Batu Buruk Riots; Police “flex their muscles” - they ”are not weak";; PM: Riots incited by the opposition party due to pressure for failing to bring development A Royal Commission? but NO debate


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's the right thing to do. Better safe than regret.

Nobody wants to risk the public lives during a first time live test.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, bottom half test. It is a prudent procedure to evacuate vehicle. Now can the tunnel handle 3 millions cubic tons of water, we will see.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opps. I mean 3 millions cubic METERS of water.

8:12 PM  

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