Friday, August 17, 2007

MORE PICS & Video – Namewee Rapper Apology Rejected - Brokered by MCA Chua; No one in position to Forgive him; Rule of Laws & Public Order Prevail

UPDATE: Aug 21 07

ABOVE: Malaysiakini broke the news H E R E that Wee is now being investigated by MCMC. Obviously this is because the RM500 and 1 month jail is viewed by the authrities especially the Culture Minster Rai Yatim

Namewee RM500 Fine & 1 Month Jailunder the National Anthem Act; MCMC used to Add Salt to his wound; Politicians - let Emotional Anger Flow Thruthey disappear

The action taken by MMNC is obviously to get the Rapper “Namewee; - Wee Meng Chee to bleed more. The wound (fine & jail) that the National Anthem Act that can inflict upon him is not enough; so they are looking at the laws in MCMC to see if they can add further salt to his wound. Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim is fully aware of and he has brought up a valid point and asked other politicians not to be too emotional over this issue.

Yes emotions like energy, they flow through you; you feel them and then they disappear. When you try to hold them back they build up and when you get angry if there is further incitement, people might protest and get violent. .
Politicians should be more level headed; Wee’s spontaneous expression of his inner feelings generate the appropriate emotions and the politicians should let them flow through. If you don’t like it, don’t view it and get all shooked and worked up.

It is somewhat fashionable to place feelings above conscious thoughts, the idea being that emotions are more basic and natural than conscious reasoning is.

The two actually go together but your conscious thinking largely determines your emotions, and not the other way around.
The point is that we are here in existence to experience. No right or wrong.(according to the man made laws) No good or bad. No evil. We are here to watch our beliefs—regardless of what they are—spin out into reality. Why deny Wee the emotional experience even though they may be negative?

The flow of life implies that life is spontaneous and Wee is just acting it out. As all of you know, spontaneity knows its own order. The gods created the Universe out of joy and playfulness and creativity, not because they thought they had to. Your being is blessed and spontaneous because it is. And fulfilling it with nature automatically fulfills your purposes and, in your terms, your responsibility.

If the politicians equate Wee’s spontaneity with irresponsibility; abandon with evil then if you abandon yourselves to yourselves, then what good would seem to spring out of the heavens of your being? Our world is in dire straits because we do not trust ourselves. Our social institutions are set up (with the man made laws) to fence in the individual, rather than to allow the natural development of the individual.
Ultimately the magic of your being is well equipped to help you find fulfillment, understanding, exuberance, and peace. Your education tells you that the world is defined by its physical aspects alone. When you think of power you think of, say, nuclear energy, or solar energy - but POWER is the creative energy within men's MINDS that allows them to use such powers, such energies, and such forces. Wee has that true power in the imagination which dares to put up the video in such a way no one has done it

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August 20, 2007 22:43 PM

Rais Tells Politicians Not To Be Emotional Over "Negaraku" Issue

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20 (Bernama) -- Politicians were told not to be emotional over Malaysian student Wee Meng Chee mocking the "Negaraku" and to leave the investigation to the Attorney-General for action to be taken. Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said politicians could only act as the executive power (if they had the power) and not follow their emotions. "This is the system is this country. The process of the law must be carried out. It's now left to the Attorney-General (Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail) to act," he said when asked to comment on the issue after launching the book,

"Malaysian Constitutional Landscape: The First 50 Years", here today. Asked about the penalty under the National Anthem Act 1968, Rais said We could be fined up to RM500 and jailed not more than one month for the offence. "I will also leave it to the Attorney-General to see whether Wee can be charged under other Acts. I hope the issue will be resolved soon," said. Meanwhile, the book launched today provides a comprehensive look and in depth analysis of the Federal Constitution's evolution since 1957. Rais has also contributed the first chapter on "The Road to
Independence" in the 19-chapter book

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But the STAR says "Cabinet accepted apology"(see below)- probably this was an misinterpretation from PM Abdullah quote
ABOVE: Malaysiakini latest story on the Apology Rejection is H E R E
What is this double talk of "Public Order overrides everything else" as mentioned by a Uni Tech Mara Professor (see his pic & details below)

Wee's apology Rejected: AG to Decide

August 16, 2007 21:33 PM

Cabinet Didn't Accept Wee's Apology, Refers To A-G - Nazri

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 (Bernama) -- The Cabinet has not accepted Wee Meng Chee's apology to the government and the people for mocking the national anthem as it does not have the authority to do so, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (BELOW)said.

He said the Cabinet had referred the matter to the Attorney-General since the offence was not committed against the Cabinet but against the nation."However, Wee's apology may be useful in getting him a lighter sentence (if he is found guilty of the offence)," he told reporters after opening a two-day Media and Information Warfare International Conference. Nazri said: "We must allow the Attorney-General to investigate and decide whether to take this person (Wee) to court". Stressing that the case was not a racial issue but a "national interest issue", he said anyone who commits an offence against the nation, irrespective of race, would have to face the music.

He said the video clip insulted the national anthem, and the action could be tolerated in Western countries but not in Malaysia. "In this country we have laws (against mocking the national anthem), we cannot create a precedent whereby after you've committed an offence, you apologise and you get away with it," he said. He said "Negarakuku", the title of the video clip, also insinuated that the nation was "gila" (crazy), as "Kuku" also means cuckoo. Nazri also disagreed with DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for defending Wee's action on the pretext of freedom of expression and ignorance. Nazri also said Wee's explanation that he did it out of ignorance could not be accepted since he knew what he was doing as he was a university student. He said Wee would be called back after the Attorney-General had completed his investigations and made a decision on the matter.

ABOVE: The Professor, Vice Chancellor, University Technology MARA, Datuk Seri Prof Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah stated that "Public Order" overrides everything else. The reactions will caused the public disorder. He was speaking with Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.

"We have to look into the Freedom of expression versus Public Order. There must be Public Order. Public Order overides everthing else"
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Public Order” is cheap talk. Anyone remember Raja Sherina – the woman who send the SMS . On Nov 5, more than 500 Muslims gathered to protest in front of a Catholic church in Silibin here following the spread of an SMS rumour that national mariner Datuk Azhar Mansor would be participating in the baptism of a group of Muslims there. The SMS had alleged that the Perak Mufti had confirmed that the baptism would take place. Wasn’t this causing a bigPublic disOrder”?


Go H E R E to refresh your memory and see the Scores of Muslims and FRUs in front of the Church in Ipoh

Raja Sherina” & Husband OUT on 1-MONTH POLCE Bail. Given “Royal” Treatment - Sent Home to Kedah by Police; DPP OPTION: Unconditional Release or Charged under 1948 SEDITION Act. This is velvet glove treatment for a “Raja”. If it is an opposition member, it would be a different story. Perhaps she is “innocent” and was a “substitute cover up” for some other VIP who sent the SMS.

So Wee Meng Chee what chance have you got to be let off the hook?. They are bent to get your "pound of flesh"

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ABOVE & BELOW: No distortion of the lyrics
August 16, 2007 21:33 PM

Cabinet Didn't Accept Wee's Apology, Refers To A-G - Nazri
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 (Bernama) -- The Cabinet has not accepted Wee Meng Chee's apology to the government and the people for mocking the national anthem as it does not have the authority to do so, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said. He said the Cabinet had referred the matter to the Attorney-General since the offence was not committed against the Cabinet but against the nation."However, Wee's apology may be useful in getting him a lighter sentence (if he is found guilty of the offence)," he told reporters after opening a two-day Media and Information Warfare International Conference. Nazri said: "We must allow the Attorney-General to investigate and decide whether to take this person (Wee) to court". Stressing that the case was not a racial issue but a "national interest issue", he said anyone who commits an offence against the nation, irrespective of race, would have to face the music.

He said the video clip insulted the national anthem, and the action could be tolerated in Western countries but not in Malaysia. "In this country we have laws (against mocking the national anthem), we cannot create a precedent whereby after you've committed an offence, you apologise and you get away with it," he said. He said "Negarakuku", the title of the video clip, also insinuated that the nation was "gila" (crazy), as "Kuku" also means cuckoo. Nazri also disagreed with DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for defending Wee's action on the pretext of freedom of expression and ignorance. Nazri also said Wee's explanation that he did it out of ignorance could not be accepted since he knew what he was doing as he was a university student. He said Wee would be called back after the Attorney-General had completed his investigations and made a decision on the matter.

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Student must face the law, Cabinet, however, accepts his apology

PUTRAJAYA: The Cabinet has accepted the apology by student Wee Meng Chee, who caused a furore with his Negaraku rap video clip on video-sharing web portal YouTube, said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. However, the Prime Minister said the law would still have to take its course. Wee, 24, could be charged under the National Anthem Act 1968 with disrespecting and lowering the prestige of the Negaraku, he said. Abdullah said a Minister had brought up the matter during the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday..

He (Wee) said he wants to apologise, we can accept. But if it is an offence, how to let him go without him being punished? The law has to take its course,” he said during a press conference on the Special Task Force to Facilitate Business here yesterday.
Wee’s six-minute video of a Mandarin rap number using the Negaraku as background created an uproar, with several quarters condemning him for mocking the national anthem and making offensive statements. The 24-year-old mass communications student at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan had on Tuesday apologised for the parody In Kuala Lumpur, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the Cabinet was not in the position to forgive Wee,

LOH FOON FONG reports.
Nazri said “the offence was not against the Prime Minister or Ministers concerned but against the nation.” ”If he had committed an offence, and I think it was an offence, then we must allow the Attorney-General to investigate and decide whether to take him to court,” said Nazri.

To not prosecute him is not ‘on’ at all because he has committed an offence against the nation and no one, not the Cabinet or political parties, are in a position to forgive him.”

Wee could be charged under the Sedition Act because he had insulted the symbol of the nation, he said. “We cannot be like the West where you can have the underwear with the design of the Union Jack. In Britain, you can insult the Queen or the flag, I don’t care, but in this country we have laws and we cannot set a precedent whereby you commit an offence, apologise and get away with it,” Nazri said, adding that Wee was not a boy but a 24-year-old man and he should be held responsible for the act. “It is not about ethnicity or being racial but it is against national interest,” he said. When asked how Wee had insulted the national anthem, Nazri said the song was supposed to be sung in a proper way, otherwise it would mean insulting the song, especially when the lyrics were changed.“Malaysia Negaraku ku. Ku ku can also mean ‘cuckoo’, so it was insulting. I don’t think this was done out of ignorance. He was a university student and he meant to insult the national anthem,” he said.

On whether Wee would be called home to answer charges against him, Nazri said the A-G would have to investigate and if he decides to prosecute him, then when Wee returns, he would have to face the charges. The Minister also said that he wanted action to be taken against YouTube and other bloggers who allowed sensitive material which went against the laws of Malaysia to be published. Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim concurred with Nazri, saying that the country was governed by the rule of law and Wee had to abide by it.
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ABOVE & BELOW: NO Distortion of lyrics

Friday August 17, 2007

Rais Wants Probe Into Mocking Of Negaraku To Continue

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 (Bernama) -- Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim (ABOVE) wants the investigation into the case of Malaysian student Wee Meng Chee, 24, mocking the Negaraku and offending the sensitivities of Muslims in Malaysia to continue although Wee has openly apologised to the government and all Malaysians for his action. Rais said he disagreed with the call to close the case as it was contrary to the country's administrative policy, hence the probe must go on to prevent a recurrence of such irresponsible action. "This is a country of rules and laws...and you have to go by the process of it," stressed Rais who wants the outcome of the probe to be submitted to the Attorney-General to determine whether Wee's action had violated any provisions under the National Anthem Act. "As ordinary citizens or even as members of the Cabinet, we are not the ones to decide whether such action contravenes the law. "But we have qualified prosecutors who can decide on the action to be taken based on the results of the investigation," he told a press conference after launching an exhibition and the Malaysia Book @ 50 at the National Art Gallery here. Wee, a final-year mass communication student at a university in Taiwan, recently created controversy and was heavily criticised for changing the Negaraku by adding rap lyrics to the national anthem and using foul language in his video clip which was posted on a website. On Tuesday, Wee apologised for his action to all Malaysians through Health Minister and MCA Vice- presidentDatuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.


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August 14, 2007 21:08 PM

Malaysians Must Accept Wee's Apology - Zam

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 14 (Bernama) -- The society must accept the apology by Wee Meng Chee who has regretted mocking the national anthem and making racial slurs, Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin said today. He said the 24-year-old Wee, a mass communication student at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan, had made the mistake by choosing the national anthem and mocking it because he was young and unable to assess the sensitivities in the country. "He should not be punished but instead be guided and educated to enable him to understand the basics and to distinguish between political and national issues," he told reporters after launching the first anniversary celebrations of the national classic radio at Wisma Radio in Angkasapuri. Zainuddin also praised MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting for taking a pro-active stance by not turning the issue into a racial issue. Wee created a controversy and came under fire recently for singing a rap version of the "Negaraku" and changing the lyrics and posting it in a five-minute and 32-second video clip over "YouTube". Wee made his apology today to the government and the people during a 30-minute telephone conversation with MCA vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Zainuddin also expressed regret with the actions of several groups, especially opposition parties, which took advantage to politicise the issue and turn it into an issue with racial undertones.

ABOVE Wee's Father and BELOW: Health Minister Chua So Lek

"There are political parties, for instance, the DAP has offered Wee to be its member just because he was vocal in criticising the government. I regret very much things like these," he said.

Zainuddin hoped the Malaysians would not continue to harp on this issue as Wee had already apologised to the people. In fact, this incident had made Wee realise the importance of valuing and appreciating the national heritage, particularly the Negaraku, he said. Earlier, in his speech, Zainuddin said the National Classic Radio, just a year old, has already captured 1.2 million listeners, Praising the station for its extraordinary achievement within a short span of time, the minister expressed confidence it would emerge as one of the popular radio stations in the country. He said merging the Classic FM and National FM was one of the excellent planning by RTM. "Upon realising the waning response to the National FM while the Classic FM was gaining in popularity, we decided to merge them and this is the outcome of it," he said.

The National Classic Radio, which went on air on Aug 12 last year, plays a mix of classical, traditional and modern songs to suit the taste of listeners from all age groups, he added.

= = == =Video Clip (3 mins) - Apology thru Chua & Reactions from PM, Rais, & Nazri & Professor Dr Abu Shah

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